Turbo or Not

lundi 7 septembre 2015

I have had my RTV 900 since new. I live in hill country and have worked this little horse practically everywhere but sometimes have to resort to ingenuity to get some things done due to a lack of power in tight places.

Don't get me wrong, I love this thing and would not be without it. It is my WORKHORSE and MY Hunt Buddy also. I just wonder if a Turbo would be worth the investment. I really have had no Major troubles with this machine.

I have never had the Kubota people adjust any of the linkages and I just bought a Service Manual. On another sight a guy said having the linkages would make a Big difference in the way it performs.

Have any of you guys had any experience with this, either a Turbo or just Adjusting everything up to spec.



Turbo or Not

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