Beautiful laid-back evening

mercredi 21 octobre 2015

It was a heck of a nice evening here. It got down to 26 the other morning…today had a high to @83. Was gonna cut firewood, but the bugs were too bad to suit me. I poured a little snake-bite-medicine, let the sheep out into the hayfield (getting crappy, going to redo soon) to eat their fill as the pasture is going fast due to lack of rain. I snapped the picture because the leaves are turning and are beautiful. The pic is too dark to do the colors justice.

sheep out.jpg
There is not fence around the part in which they are grazing but that is no problem as my sheep are remote controlled. Notice the voice activated Border Collie that puts them in. The black and white one is just 5 months old and gets in the way more than he helps, but mom (the mostly white one) hasn’t had time to teach him his left from right yet.

Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file

...well crap, it won't let me (I'm blaming "it" just because I don't know how to load a clip) load the video of the dog bringing the sheep in using only my commands

73, Mark

I think i got it from my phone
Attached File  trim.1DF02FF1-43A1-4A94-85C4-20C0E91FFA0E.MOV   13.17MB   1 downloads

Beautiful laid-back evening

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