Sale barn loafers

mardi 20 octobre 2015

After I got done hauling my stuff on Monday, I decided to swing by the sale barn with my son and wife. I hadn't been in awhile and it's nice to see faces and what is being brought through the ring. Prices were all over a bit but I caught the tail end of the sale.

Something else caught my eye. I thought they were just city boys just checking to see what this was about. Nope, they were buyers. Guy in 20s had on girlie jeans, polo, some tight fitting exercise jacket and loafers. He looked like a frat boy. Another guy looked like suburban dad in khakis and tennis shoes attending his daughter's dance recital. This was a far cry from the old men in gimme hats, starched BLUE jeans, and so forth.

I guess either the buyer demographic is really starting to change or cattlemen are being metrosexualized. A buyer is a buyer and the more the better. Is it going to just be me in my sharp collared shirt and Wranglers tucked in to my colorful knee high boots in 20 years?

Sale barn loafers

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