Broadleaf weeds in Alfalfa

mardi 6 octobre 2015

I planted 2 fields of alfalfa/ OG and a little timothy on august 15th. Alfalfa was drilled at 18#s an acre and i broadcasted OG at 10# an acre with a few pounds of timothy mixed in. I followed it with a cultipacker. This planting was preceeded by a failed planting of the same stuff in the  spring. Both fields are 13 acres and were fertilized for the spring planting, they were overrun with weeds and i sprayed them with gly and disked them under. The first field has virtually no grassy weeds but this broadleaf started to show up in parts of the field, the pics make it look over run but its only bad in a few spots. I sprayed it with Butrayac 200 2 weeks ago, but i think the weeds were too big to get a good kill. Should i get the weed wiper out and wipe the broadleafs, or will the first frost kill them? Also in this field the OG/ tim is less than an inch or two tall, is this normal for the grasses to be this far behind? IMG_1093.jpg IMG_1092.jpg IMG_1090.jpg IMG_1088.jpg IMG_1086.jpg IMG_1082.jpg

And what kind of broadleaf weed is this?

Broadleaf weeds in Alfalfa

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