Crop/flail chopper

dimanche 4 octobre 2015

I would like to start a private e-mail exchange with a knowledgeable individual concerning flail choppers and self feeding wagons. I don't want anecdotal responses or opinions. I want someone who has been there and done that.


Some questions


1. will a flail/crop chopper push green chop to the back of a 20 foot self feeding wagon? ( remember the wagon tongue length)

2. what is the best knife selection for green chop..2, 3 or 6 knives?

3. will in actuality, the longer cut forage travel further back into the wagon? 

3. What length of cut is best to keep the green chop from bridging in the self feeding wagon?

4. will fewer knives work better at pushing a wet crop? And reduce bridging ???

5. with fewer knives will I have to reduce my tractor ground speed to prevent plugging? 


I don't cut meadow grass or weeds. Most of my green chop is 60% to 80% red clover and/or alfalfa. 


I have an old  6 knife Fox 884 chopper in reasonable shape.. but I suspect the paddles need some work. The clover seems to get pretty well mangled..and I would like to get a less mangled, longer cut... but clover/alfalfa is not grass!


grass seems to go through Ok and I get additional distance from the chopper, but the clover/alfalfa/vetch doesn't travel as far. 


I run my chopper at more than 540 PTO speed... maybe 575 and get the bulk of the material 10-12 feet back.. 




Crop/flail chopper

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