Best type of air hose coupler??

samedi 13 février 2016

Just put some new couplers in on the shop air hoses a few months ago, and dang if the dagnabbit things ain't leaking AGAIN...

I noticed here while back when I was in Big R in Indiana that they sell about fifteen different "styles" of couplers... usually designated by letter...

My question is, WHICH ONE is the most leak/trouble free?? I just get sick and tired of every friggin' time I set the impact down while doing a job, I have to listen to a constant "SSSSS!!!!" from the air hose nonstop!

"We can put a man on the Moon, but we can't make a friggin' air hose coupler that doesn't leak like a sieve as soon as the new is worn off it??" Geez... (well, actually we CAN'T put a man on the Moon anymore, so maybe we can't make a decent air coupler anymore either...)

I've used the "industrial" type (with the short sleeve below the ball lock groove). Just wondering if yall prefer something different and have better luck or not...

What I don't understand is, I've had hydraulic hose couplers drag the pavement and get a chunk ground off the side of them, all scratched or rusted to h3ll, dirtier than sh!t (I wipe them off first, but you know what I mean), look in the female end and it's full of dirt or soybean fuzz or grass debris or whatever, blow it out a little and couple the thing up, and run a couple THOUSAND psi of oil pressure through it, AND NOT HAVE THE FRIGGIN' THING LEAK!

Yet plug in an impact wrench or heck even the tire filler to the end of the flippin hose with a lousy 150 PSI of air pressure in the line, and the thing sits and hisses like a cobra all day...

I've only had to change the "O-rings" in the tractor's couplers ONE TIME due to excess leakage, and that was after 10 years of hard use with dirt and crud getting up in there and plugging in rust-scaled, worn, dirty, or even road-dragged damaged couplers... and all I had to do was fish out four "Several dollars a piece" silicone O-rings with a pick and shove new ones up in there til they dropped in the groove...

SO WHY CAN'T THEY MAKE A FRIGGIN AIR HOSE COUPLING THAT WORKS HALF AS WELL?? I'd switch to glad-hands like on a semi or the half-turn twist lock "straight through" industrial kind in a second if I could find them small enough, and with a valve of some sort on the hose end...

Later! OL J R :)

Best type of air hose coupler??

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