Low Hay Supplies in Parts of the Midwest?

mercredi 17 février 2016

Anyone notice a shortage of hay, particularly alfalfa, in the Midwest? We have alfalfa and alfalfa-grass mix hay. We have been moving the mixed hay but very little of the alfalfa up until about a couple of weeks ago and then all of a sudden we're getting calls for alfalfa. Our area didn't get hit as hard as others last spring/summer with heavy rains and we produced some good hay but it wasn't anything premium. I can hear the desperation in some of the folks' voices when they call inquiring about alfalfa small squares. Apparently, they assumed they could find their perfect hay all winter long and not plan ahead. The horsey people sometimes get on my nerves because they are wanting premium hay for bargain prices. I usually tell them that they need to come and look over the hay in person to see if it would be suitable for their needs. I was just curious if any other producers in the Midwest are experiencing an increase inquiries/sales for hay. It may just be the time of the year when the customer is running low and looking to have enough to ride them through the next season. Just trying to figure out if this is a trend or a blip on the radar because some people insist there is no hay shortage and others state there is.

Low Hay Supplies in Parts of the Midwest?

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