Opportunity for expansion

mercredi 17 février 2016

Was asked tonight about doing some planting for a friend this spring and he tacked on casually that he has 200 acres that floods once a summer so he can't plant crops on it but doesn't have time to hay it so they bushhog it in the fall.

This land is underwater all spring and likely produces 2-4 tons of Timothy per acre in an average summer.

It is on an island that is about a 10 mile drive from him, 20 miles for me.

I currently hay about 120 acres total down a bit from a couple of years ago. All but 15 acres is small squares. He currently hays about 80 acres as small square and round bales another 20 or so.

I have done the math and I can't scale my operation up as is and pick up the ground unless I quit my day job which isn't happening.

I wish a bale baron was a bit cheaper or employees easier to find!

Opportunity for expansion

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