Should I spray for Army worms?

mardi 6 septembre 2016

I cut and put up about 35 acres of Bermuda hay last weekend.  Some neighbors have reported army worms but I did not see very many in the field when I did my walk throughs.  Now that I have harvested this cutting I going to put on some fertilizer and take my wife on a trip out west to Flag Staff, Las Vegas, St George, Monument Valley, etc and won't return till the first week of Oct.  Since I won't be there to check for army worms on my new cut fields should I spray down any herbicides before I leave.  Don't expect much hay growth while I'm gone but don't want to have any damages to my established fields.  Thought of having my neighbors call me if they are spraying and having a custom sprayer spray it for me while I'm gone.  Any thoughts or suggestions.  Thanks.

Should I spray for Army worms?

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