
mardi 6 septembre 2016

This is a story of how one family came together to rescue 35 bales of hay.  The baler broke down yesterday with a little bit left to finish.  My dad and I fixed it this afternoon with kids underfoot.  I was unable to start baling until 7:15 when my wife got home.  I finished one windrow... of course the baler motor ran out of gas......  So I flew to the gas station and back it's almost dark.  I finished the last row with the headlights on and a storm bearing down! I parked the baler hooked up the wagon headed back to the field with 35 squares in the balance! My wife was on the tractor and I was throwing bales on the wagon.  We got back to the barn and frantically started throwing and stacking! With the last few bales to go the heavens opened up and it started to pour! We quickly finished and headed for cover.  MISSION COMPLETED! Ithought it was pretty funny that we did all that for 35 squares but it made for a nice story lol. 


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