Size of Skid Steer needed for 10 bale grapple?

mercredi 8 février 2017

I have a skid steer on my wish list and intend to use it on a 10-bale grapple that is 8 with 2 ties and is @8' long from mounting plate to end of grapple. My bales tend to be 55 lbs and have not weighed the grapple.


I would like to know from experience how much capacity is needed to safely handle the grapple/hay on level ground.  The specs of capacity will not readily convert to just weighing the hay and grapple due to leverage; I'm not good enough at math to figure it to my satisfaction.


I see 1845s and 743s etc around here fairly cheap, but don't know if they will do the job at hand.


I searched around on here, but didn't find my answer in previous topics.


Thanks, Mark


Size of Skid Steer needed for 10 bale grapple?

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