Banvel in New Orchard Grass

jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Interesting thing happened to me this fall.  Redid an orchard grass field, actually it started as mixed grass.  Sprayed it with Gly Aug 2 and again Sept 4.  Planted it on Sept 7 or 8.  Got a flush of garlic in it.  When wondering why the second Gly app did not wipe it out it occurred to me that the pattern I was seeing with the garlic was where I did not spray with Cimarron PLus in spring.  Coop truck ran out in this field.  So I guess where it was sprayed I arrested the garlic, where not sprayed, garlic.


Now if I spray with Banvel in early spring, will that hurt the new orchard grass or should I wait until after first cutting and use Cimarron again to clean up winter annuals?

Banvel in New Orchard Grass

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