New holland 499 won't pull hay through rollers

vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Hello I recently bought a 499 the previous owner could not get it to work in reed canary grass I tried it on cover crop ( oats conanla , radish, and turnips ) it would not pull the hay into the rollers at times,same as the guy before ,I have a friend that has had several of these and has never had any trouble like this  , I measured his real and mine was as close to the rollers as it could go I set mine the same as his , also the stops for the roller tightness were removed on mine ( they were running as close as they could go ) I have the roller tension set about in the middle , the roller rubber is in good shape , I have not changed the reel speed or the tilt of the head , has any one else had this problem and if so how did you fix it .. I have not tried it since I changed the real ,  they are predicting rain for about 4 days , just what we do't need now.  Thanks Bryan  

New holland 499 won't pull hay through rollers

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