New Orchard grass stand for 2017

jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Drilled 16 ac of new orchard grass on 9/7.  Ground had maximum moisture on plant to the point I was worried that even at the least down pressure, it was planted too deep.  Most of it was up in less than ten days and the majority is now over 1.5 inches tall.  Problem is, we have not had any moisture since 9/6 when the remnants of a hurricane went through and our moisture was slight at that.  Now, no rainfall in the forecast through Oct 8 but 15-35 winds today and Saturday with low to non-measurable humidity.  Dews have kept things going but it was dry as a bone this am.  Worried that I will loose some of the stand due to desiccation if we get no rain before what is in the forecast and that is not guaranteed.   My what a difference from the summer weather when we had all the rain we needed at just the right time.  I had thought we would get some fourth cutting og but that evaporated with the lack of moisture.  Bummed.

New Orchard grass stand for 2017

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