Italian ryegrass in OG

mardi 22 mai 2018

Ok, the attached is prolific in my new OG stand that was Nuked well and twice last July after first cutting regrowth and then again in late Aug before planting Sept 1.  good kill.  Seeded heavy, at least 25#/ac double drilled at 12-15.  great germination.  So, where does this trash come from?  Also have some stuff that looks like little barley but I don't think it is, a little cheat around the edges of the field, some KYBluegrass.  Just wondering what you have to do to get a really clean field.  Unfortunately, this year we will not get it cut before this ann grass stuff sheds some seed so we will get to look at it next year as well.  Other fields that are 2 or more years old are mostly free of this.weed grass.jpg

Italian ryegrass in OG

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