Alfalfa/orchard issues... what is going on?

mardi 15 mai 2018

So, there are a number of issues which could simply be set up as "new farmer doesn't know what he is doing", and I recognize this... but that doesn't change what is going on in my field.


I purchased 85ac 2 years ago. It had historically (??? several years ago) been tobacco but for quite a while it has been soybean/corn rotation. 2 years ago it was in soybeans. Last year it was in annual rye. Last fall I prepped it and using the worst seeder in the world (Brand new Land Pride NTS 11' - Brillion type) I put in my seed. 


Alfalfa 6422Q at 20lbs/ac 

HarveStar at 8lbs/ac


I will admit, initially, I dumped 100lbs of seed on about 2.5ac (after calibration) and had to go back and recalibrate which still was dropping heavy so I simply cut it in 1/2 to get a 'field rate' of 20/ac. (this is one of the reasons I hate this seeder). The 40lbs/ac actually looks great! as it should.


But, after I finally got a consistent drop of 20lbs, I finished off the field. But now, it is growing extremely strange (to me). It looks striped, so I would guess inconsistent drop rate. Some, as in the pic, looks like there is NO ALFALFA at all. However, when I go out to the field, I can see small anemic looking plants growing all through the area. It is almost like I have strips of 'good' and 'poor' soil. It is growing, but absolutely awfully. The orchard grass (planted at the same time in second box) seems to be growing pretty well with a good distribution.


Before I planted anything, I took soil samples and they all came out spot on. I added lime at 2T/ac to bugger it for alfalfa. But otherwise, everything looked good. I have sprayed no chemicals. I do have some weeds (pennycress and chickweed) but it was light and interspersed throughout both good and bad growth areas. 


The Rye grew normally and evenly throughout the field last year. 


Any thoughts?

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_5679.JPG

Alfalfa/orchard issues... what is going on?

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