Twine Arm seems very complex, NH BR7050

lundi 7 mai 2018



This twine arm mechanism seems very complex to me.

Is there any reason for having all the chains and gears?

2008 was the first model year for this baler, is there 

some reason a jack screw wasn't used or some type 

of linear actuator? The gears look to be identical reflections,

so I don't think this is changing speed.


I'm just curious, I don't understand this.


I don't think there are any great forces on the twine

as it unwinds freely around the bales.




The only thing I can see it doing is transfering the

motion of the motor laterally, over to the arm.


NH BR7050


But even this seems like kinda over doing it.

Twine Arm seems very complex, NH BR7050

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