Wheel line operation

samedi 9 juin 2018

I'm a rookie at irrigation (and even farming).  I volunteer at a local non-profit.  Over the Spring, I've refurbished their six wheel lines and am now trying to "run them".


Our pump is 1300gpm (3 phase 75hp), and our six wheel lines are 30 sprinklers each.  The issue is that during startup, the pressure is too low to close all the mushroom drains.  Once the drains are closed, we should be able to run all six lines plus some handlines, but we never get there.  At least not in the hour of runtime we get due to the diversion is still a work in progress.


We thought about turning on the lines sequentially (seems like if 2-3 lines are fully charged, opening new lines will re-open the drains on the working ones.


The pump will generate 160psi when restricted, so if we run too few lines, I'll blow up my supply hoses.  I already destroyed all the 70psi hose we had, replacing it with 150psi hose.


Is there a simple technique in starting up these dinosaurs?  Maybe a longer lasting water supply will eventually solve the problem?

Wheel line operation

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