Making Alfalfa Hay in Humid Regions

mardi 26 juin 2018

Several years ago the consensus on HT appeared to be to cut alfalfa one day, run the tedder over it early the next day, rake the third day, and bale the fourth day. This season, I am cutting the alfalfa and tedding it as soon as I can get back to the field with the tedder (8 acres). The tedded alfalfa becomes stem cracking dry by evening of the second day with 90+ degree afternoon temperatures, and I rake and bale it into small squares the third day.


Tedding immediately following completion of cutting opens the swath and does away with compressed hay due to driving one set of tractor tires on the swath of cut hay. Very few leaves are lost by tedding the freshly cut hay compared to waiting to run the tedder over the cut hay the next morning. Another advantage of tedding the same day as cutting is that bunched alfalfa at 90 degree turns is spread so that it dries uniformly with the rest of the cut alfalfa. Does anyone else work their alfalfa this way? What is your procedure?


I cut using a NH 488 cutter/crimper and cutting is somewhat of a slow process. I still have some difficulty maintaining square corners as I cut in a rectangular field. Any advice?

Making Alfalfa Hay in Humid Regions

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