Beat the rain?

samedi 9 juin 2018

We hit a dry spell mid-May for 10-14 days but it was still a little early to cut. Into the fourth week of May to now been real hard to find 3 days of “nice” weather to get hay into the barn. Missed an opportunity last weekend when the weather forecast changed from 60% on Sunday to 20%. Neighbor who round bales and wraps half his hay was going at it pretty strong. So after a nice shower late Tuesday dropping 3/4” and a 3 day window of “no rain” forecast I decided to cut when I got off work Wednesday. Perfect right? Half way through cutting made the mistake to look at the forecast for Friday, the day to bale. Forecast changed from 20% to 60%. Even that number changed as the week wore on fluctuating 40-80%. And showers through the weekend into early part of next week. Thursday evening heavy showers heading my way coming out of Indiana. Fortunately moved more south then east. Saying a prayer here and there and standing in the good graces of the Almighty, Friday, baling day, turned out fantastic. Rain got pushed back to late afternoon. Got 500 bales in the barn and all equipment in by 4. By 5, it started to down pour. We ended up with 2.5” of rain in less than 3 hours.

Still looking at the forecast for another 3-day window of opportunity. Maybe by the end of next week I could finish bringing in first cutting and bring in 15 acres of new field before the oats start heading out. Because after that I’m taking a vacation.

What’s it like in your neck of the woods?

Beat the rain?

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