2007 New Holland 1411

jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Need help trouble shooting. Up until this year this machine has been great.

In mid July this year my cutter started giving me problems with the bearings on the cutter bar both on the shafts and the bearing under the turtle. The bearing under the left birdcage kept going out (4 times), eventually three of the gear boxes on the left side of the cutter bar broke shafts and locked up and the shaft bearings went out. I had almost all of the cuter bar rebuilt( not cheap) I am still loosing bearings in the right gear box under the bird cage. I had the dealer work on it and they replaced a bushing where the floatation spring connects to the frame. Last field I cut I just capped the last gearbox and took the turtle and the bird cage off. Machine ran like a champ.


Any help would be much appreciated.


2007 New Holland 1411

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