Newbie here! So, to repair or replace?- that is the question

lundi 5 octobre 2015

I'm on my third RTV900. The first- A 2009 I traded in on a 2014. The second, I still have. The 2014 is the IRS model-- which is (was!!) light years beyond the straight 2012 RTV900 still used by my farm hands.

A pipeline runs across my farm and about every other month some idiot inspector will leave a gate open and 40+ Black Angus take the opportunity to explore 100+acres of hay and oat fields. It was a Saturday afternoon two weekends ago-- no one around and the herd is loose. I throw a 100# sack of standard fitting in the back of my IRS and drive off to lead everyone back to the main pasture... (everyone is 'grain trained'). Everyone goes back except one four month calf.

Just to fit the picture together, my 240 acre farm occupies a valley between two ridge lines. The ridges are roughly 450 feet above the valley floor some 500 yards downhill.

So, I park the RTV pretty much near the ridge, aimed down hill (first error), pull the p'brake two or so clicks (which is usually enough to hold it)-- hop out and begin 'walking' the calf down hill to a large open gate. All is going well, and we (me and the calf) are about 300 yards downhill from the RTV when I hear this awful noise--

I turn and look in time to be clipped by my rolling, unmanned RTV as it careens wildly down hill, jumps a three foot diversion ditch and literally flies into the barn's cement wall.

I cut the front upper bumper off to gain access to the radiator (damage assess)as it had 'stove piped' all of the plastic parts against the windscreen. I took it to the dealer for damage repair estimate. Requires pretty much the whole front end (plastic parts, lights, and bumper) plus a whole new chassis.
All of the engine, Tx and mechanicals seem OK to the dealer.

Insurance company paid out and now the conundrum: fix to 'new', fix to a highly mod-ed condition, or part it out and buy new???

I found this site when I commenced the search for parts and goodies to mod. Then I got to thinking too much and so I decided to share my tale of woe (so to speak)... I paid $14K ($7K cash and my '09 trade) a year and four months ago. The unit has 175.1 hrs since new. Insurance paid out $7K in line with the shop estimate for 'repair to new' option.

It is obvious you all know way more about these than I do and I got to wondering what would you all do???

Sprung chassis

Splattered front end

Newbie here! So, to repair or replace?- that is the question

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