Pay attention to the WX forecast.

dimanche 4 octobre 2015

Cut the hay Tuesday. Let it lay out flat all Wednesday and Thursday. Raked the hay at first light first light Friday. Rolled the surface dew into the windrow, as expected. At supper time the hay was stem snapping dry, as expected. ( So far so good.) I expected to bale about 10 am Saturday. Never happened, The humidity for baling was as the ignored forecast said, at 10 am. OOPs the humidity was already down to 41% humidity. Not near enough humidity. Sunday at 8 am headed to the field to bale, with the humidity at 68%. As forecast. Haste makes waste. Got in a rush and lost an hour baling time due to two separate broken bale Events and a shear bolt. Baled 330 bales in two hours rather than the expected one hour. If I had not been in such a rush the baling would have been finished at 9 am. Instead I finished at 11 am when humidity was 42%. just like the day before & Just as Forecast! If I had been finished by 9 am, with 50% humidity, all would have been great. I still can leisurely stack the hay in the barn during most of the Foot ball Games. Have a great Year.

Pay attention to the WX forecast.

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