Spring Planting Alfalfa Questions

jeudi 15 octobre 2015

I've got a small - probably 2 acre slice of ground next to one of my hayfields that we just finished clearing from wilderness - back to a potential hay field. I'll probably use this strip for some test/lessons learned planting before committing whatever I plant there to larger acrage.

I think I'd like to plant it in alfalfa. It would give us a whole new variety of hay to learn first hand.

Question is - can you plant alfalfa in the spring and expect much in the way of a first year's crop?

The field will get fertilizer and lime over the winter per our soil sample in prep for spring. Since the plot is so small, we'll disk up everything, hit whatever weeds come out of it afterwards with round up. Next we'll broadcast the seed and cultipack down.

Any recommendations on alfalfa seed type/preference? Should I consider RR ready alfalfa or is it to new for prime time?

We would make square bales of it when cut. Curious also of some average tons per acre yield estimates too.

Any sage advice, tips or tricks are much appreciated.


Spring Planting Alfalfa Questions

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