Picky Round Bale Customers

mercredi 5 octobre 2016

I was just wondering if anyone has been having the same experience I have had with selling big round bales. This year there seems to be a lot of round bales in my area. Had a lot of rain and the hay season was a tough one. We have quite a few round bales and they are all stored outside. Our good small squares are in the barn. I have had several calls inquiring about our big round bales and they want them without mold. Hello! They are stored outside! Then today, I sell a couple of big rounds to a nice couple that drove over 50 miles to get some hay. They call me later in the day stating that one of the bales smells really bad and has mold all the way through to the middle. They are peeling off the big round bale layer by layer to feed their goats. Boss tells me to let them come back and get 2 more big rounds. I tell the customer this and also remind them that they are round bales, stored outside. We are fortunate that we got up some good hay this season (in small squares) but others did not get any good hay up at all due to the heavy rains this season, hence, a lot of big round bales. I am thinking I will need to get even more of a thick skin fielding all the phone calls from picky buyers. I describe the hay as honestly as I can but it is, after all, just hay and not a Swiss watch. I think its going to get rough out there for us hay sellers and picky buyers will either have to adjust their standards or go elsewhere!

Picky Round Bale Customers

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