Making heads or tails of Preservatives

mardi 10 janvier 2017

OK I'm back again with a rookie question. I was looking for a good in baler moisture tester to reduce some of the guess work of hand checking hay. Main reason behind that is the business partner (big brother) and I both have public jobs currently and fine tuning the operation would greatly reduce time wasted. In my hunt for a tester I ran up on some forums about preservatives and I don't think I'm grasping something here. In my area spraying a liquid on dry hay while baling is unheard of (and possibly deemed the works of satan). I wasn't sure if this was just a practice done on alfalfa and other legume crops for leaf retention or if it was also used on grass hays. Really in the dark here and since its unheard of here asking for advice from a local wouldn't get me far. Being young first generation farmers we are willing to roll the dice on a different method but I'm not willing to jump totally blind. 


Thanks in advance,



Making heads or tails of Preservatives

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