Deteriorating Hay

samedi 9 septembre 2017

Here in northern New England, it was a very wet spring & early summer. There weren't very many dry days in a row, however the grass was getting so long it just had to be mowed & baled, come what may. With impending rain, I rolled and wrapped grass/clover that wasn't quite dry but, with insufficient moisture for ensiling.  When I unwrapped a bale (from June), it was not moldy or spoiled, however, within a couple of days, it started to heat up and smell acrid. In the winter, this wouldn't be an issue since I could feed it out before it deteriorated much, but now my stock are still on pasture and, consequently, do not need much supplemental forage. So as not to waste the feed, I have been unwinding the bale up in the mow and spreading it out in "windrows" to allow air to circulate which seems to help.  Anyone have any better ideas to prevent or delay the deterioration of this hay?   Thanks.



Deteriorating Hay

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