Smooth brome regrowth

vendredi 1 septembre 2017

It has been about 50 days since I cut first cutting on my new spring seeding of smooth brome. This is my first time growing it so I wasn't sure what to expect for regrowth as I have read that smooth brome doesn't regrow very well. So far I have been very impressed with the regrowth. It has regrown better than the orchard that was cut at the same time and is over knee deep in most spots.

I was surprised though to see that the regrowth made stems unlike orchard or fescue. I was even more surprised when I went by the field today and saw that some of it was heading out. It's not every plant that is heading but quite a few. Is it typical for smooth brome to makes stems and even head out on the regrowth? The variety I planted was 'peak' smooth brome. It was supposed to be selected for improved regrowth.


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Smooth brome regrowth

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