Winter Annuals on a Tear

vendredi 1 septembre 2017

There have been multiple threads on HT regarding when to spray for winter annuals for maximum effect.  FYI, I am doing a couple of fields over from scratch and sprayed them with Gly on Aug 2.  The henbit is alive and well showing two leaves so it would be perfect to spray right now before it starts competing.  the Coop was supposed to come this morning and respray with gly and I was going to seed on Monday.  showers from harvey and tropical breeze ended that idea, so we will have to wait for Tues.  This feels early to me and is probably due to the nice distributed rainfall we have had over the summer and the cooler temps of the last 2 weeks.  Just suggesting that you might want to scout your fields.  

Winter Annuals on a Tear

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