Beggars Night for NTT, please donate

jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Hey all,
It's that time of year. Time for my annual begging for funds. I hope the year has been good to you and you can see fit to send some dollars NetTractorTalk's way.

Expenses do have a way of creeping up each year and this year is no exception. I hope your generosity continues and we can cover a good portion of the expenses.

If this is not a good time for you but you feel you could donate in March or April (or any month) please pledge to donate in whatever month you choose. Any month of 2018. That way I can count on the funds down the road and it helps me plan expenses for the upcoming calendar year.

Please consider parting with a little cash in support of the forums.

To pledge you can post in this thread, or PM me.

Site Supporters groups are as follows:

GOLD Site Supporter $100 a year. (8.34 per month or .28 cents a day.)

Super Site Supporter $50 a year. (4.17 per month or .14 cents a day.)

Site Supporter: $20 a year ( 1.67 per month or .05 cents a day)

To make a donation go to:
and click on make a donation, or go to your paypal account and click send money, send it to: doc AT (a company)
Please be sure to include your member name here to get proper credit for your donation.

If you prefer to send a check, PM me or email me for my address (Easy way to PM me, click on my user name above this post, and select PM doc, to email me use the Contact Us button at the bottom of each forum page.)

Note, you can use your visa or mastercard to paypal a donation even if you do not have a paypal account.

Like last year, if you become a site supporter here, and you frequent one of my other forums, you will get site supporter status there also.

THANKS in advance for your support. :tiphat: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Beggars Night for NTT, please donate

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