Round baling questions

vendredi 13 octobre 2017

Ok I can make square bales with the best of them and feel I have a really good handle on making a great bale regardless of conditions. This took a bit of time to figure out but I didnt waste years learning! THANKS TO THE FOLKS HERE! Thankyou again!
Now...round baling??... never done it. I will figure out the baler and baling part easy enough, my questions are;
1 how dry for dry bales?
2 can I wrap dry bales?
3 how much moisture for balage?
I am going to by a new mower but not sure if flails or rolls are best for hay conditioning (No alfalfa.. What little I would use I can buy.) So I dont need to tedd. Just want to mow, rake and bale.
Most of my hay would be dry because I dont have enough critters to gobble up a silage bale before it spoiled. Only going to feed them out in the winter months. I may still need to tedd for dry but Im hoping not...

Round baling questions

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