It's not a big job

samedi 14 octobre 2017

But it demonstrates how much help the 900 can be.

As I roll through my mid-70's I'm finding more ways to limit the stress on the old frame and the 'Bota is a real help.

We lost several ash trees that were a feature on the side lawn of the house. The area was sculptured with rock and edging but removing the trees left an ugly depression. The tree cutter filled the low area but said he wouldn't do any final leveling so I'm on my own.

Enter the 900, In the old days it would be a rake and shovel but now, not so much. I couldn't drive over the area so I just used to old cyclone fence/cement block routine with long ropes on each end. Pulled one way and then the other without getting the 900 on the new dirt. I found that I didn't have the run out in the all the directions so by passing trees on various sides to redirect the scraper I could cover the entire area. Worked great and left just a final raking to cover the fertilizer and seed.

It's these little jobs that make me appreciate how great a machine the RTV is because it isn't fast, it's not really pretty and it a bit noisy but it's as dependable as your best fried and always ready to go.

It's not a big job

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