Webworm in Hay

mercredi 11 octobre 2017

We're having a bit of a problem with our perennial peanut bales accumulating some form of webworm on the perimeter bales (tops and sides of the bales that are exposed). We barn keep all of our hay and only have an issue with the perennial peanut bales. We sell most of our hay to clients that feed it directly or resell it, so appearance matters, and having a web and worm fecal matter on the side is a bit of a deal breaker. I'd love to be able to spray a preventative when stacking bales, or at the very least, a killing agent once the worms appear. My concern is that anything I spray might ruin the aroma of the bales or (worse yet) be harmful to the livestock (dairy goats and high end horses).


Anyone have any ideas? Anyone experience anything similar with alfalfa webworms?


We have no damage in the field, it's only once baled and only if stored with abundant access to airflow (bales stored in a shipping container are clean as the day they were baled).

Here's what we're dealing with.






Webworm in Hay

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