Turned cold... how much growth to have some confidence?

mercredi 18 octobre 2017

I found myself behind the 8-ball this year. Began addressing my pastures in Early August, but because of weather, work, and breakdowns, I didn't get everything in the ground until around Oct 1. 


Alfalfa/orchard  20ac and Timothy 10ac were in by 9/18 (which according to folks around here should be fine) but I had 30ac of Bluegrass/Orchard grass that didn't make it until 10/1 and didn't get a rain until around 10/7. There was plenty of moisture about 1" deep, but I planted it into dry dirt at 1/4". I had pristinely smooth pastures before last week, but we had a 3" overnight rain Last Saturday followed by 2" Sunday and I now have 1-2" rivulet washed areas on almost all hillsides. I see some 1-2" grass poking itself through the soil, but I am worried that it won't reach a stage that will make it through the winter.


I know that it needs at least 4-6wks growth before freeze to make it, and I think, given the coldsnap we have had, that we are likely to freeze sooner rather than later this year. Barring an Indian Summer until TGiving. 


My questions are... about what does KBR and Orchard look like (height and density) typically to sustain a winter in Kentucky?


And... If I have a weak growth come spring... is it best to 'do over' completely or simply overseed?


I ran about 1000lbs of winter wheat over the hills and washed areas this weekend, hoping to get some growth and keep my hills on the hill. But, I'm not sure if it will do any good given the late date. I may be dragging my fields out of the neighbor's ditch come spring

Turned cold... how much growth to have some confidence?

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