Pull Type Forage Harvesters, what to expect

vendredi 13 octobre 2017

We have been growing aprox 70 acres of corn for silage every year for our beef herd, and have always hired a custom chopping crew to do it for us. in the spring they call us up and ask what we are doing for acres and are all gung ho to do it. when it comes time to chop their either way behind schedule due to weather or are 4 hours away and will be a week or two... or three before they get to us, or in some cases just dont show up. it kills me to watch all the money in 70 acres of corn to just dry up and have turn cows in to graze it. We have looked at doing it ourselves for a couple years but havnt done anything about it yet. If we had our own unit we would probably end up planting more like 100+ acres plus choping some first cut alfalfa. Having our own SP unit is out of reach so a pull type would be our only option. We would end up using a high dump wagon, then into a truck. Our longest hual would be 1.5 miles so maybe two trucks? We have a 7520 jd @ 140 odd pto hp to run it with.


My question is, what kind of acres can a relativly modern pull type do in a day? Also JD or NH?

Does anybody on here have any experiance with JF harvesters?


We love doing chopped silage but there has to be a more reliable way to do it.



Pull Type Forage Harvesters, what to expect

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