Let's talk about raking time

mercredi 31 janvier 2018

A few years ago I started off with just my little 5.2 acre field.  Last year I added another 7 acre field, and then started putting up 5 acres of hay for my neighbor lady down the road who has all her own equipment but her husband left her.  So I was doing 17 acres total.  Enough to be fun, but not stressful.  I usually do my 12 on the same day and hers on a different day.


This summer it's looking like I'm going to add on another 20 acre field and another 34 acres have been offered up to me beyond that if I ever feel like I can take it on someday.  I'll need upgraded equipment by that point.


So in just a few years I went from 5 acres to 37 acres.  I mow with a 9 foot haybine on day 1, ted with a 2 basket tedder on day 2, and rake with a 9 foot Miller Pro 900 rotary rake on day 3, and then square bale.  If I'm raking at 5-6 mph I can rake about 5 acres/hr (that's based on how much I can cover with the haybine at the same speed).  By that time estimate it would take me 4 hours to rake.  Then I unhook and grab the baler.


That seems like a long time, or is that standard for what you guys are doing?  As I add on more acreage I'm trying to figure out how to put down acres (with what I have currently) most efficiently. It was never an issue when I had a little 5 and 7 acre field right next to the house or a few blocks down the road, but this larger field is about 5 miles away so the travel time is more significant when moving 16 mph.


I could use the neighbor lady's restored 4010 to run the baler while I'm still raking, but it becomes a 9 mile hike for that tractor to get to the field.


Here's the other problem with raking speed: my 4610 in 6th gear at PTO speed runs around 5-6 mph, so that's spinning the rake full speed, I read most people run it about 300 rpm.  7th gear on the tractor jumps to 12 mph but if I throttle down to a realistic speed then PTO speed seems almost too low.  It's a really nice tractor but the field speeds are one thing I really don't like about it.  It's either crawling slow or blazing fast.


All tips and suggestions are appreciated for strategy, and what my expectations should  be.

Let's talk about raking time

Massey Ferg. 1745 round baler

  Guys I NEED some sincere advice. 


  Ive been looking to purchase a new round baler for a couple months now and have narrowed my options down substantially.  I have found a 2014 demo Massey Ferg/Hesston 1745 twine/net that has baled less than 20 bales.  The price is VERY tempting and Im supposedly getting the normal one year warranty if I buy.  The dealership is within range and I also live (literally) five minutes from another Massey dealer.

  My only real issue (this throws up a big yellow, not red but yellow flag) is this;  the salesman at this particular dealership flat out told me that this may not be a baler to buy as he says the baler will give me trouble if Im trying to bale tough (wet) hay.  The baler is not a siledge special and I have no use for a model as such.  Obviously everyones definition of "tough hay" is different so Im perplexed to say the least!  I dont know of ANYONE remotely close to me that has the 1745 that I could contact and ask an opinion.  Is there anyone out there that has a 1745 and/or has any knowledge of the balers ability to handle hay a little (or a lot) on the tough side????

  I strictly custom bale and generally the hay I do bale each Summer is heavy to grass, even dead weeds and not really what you'd call quality hay so it being wet/tough usually isn't an issue.  

  Any feedback fellas would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thanks. 

Massey Ferg. 1745 round baler

Planting spring oats with brome/orchard

Trying to figure out what to plant in the fields that were a failed attempt at planting into grass last fall. I would really like to still plant them into orchard grass or brome but I'm a little hesitant to plant grass in the spring here......especially orchard. I spring planted brome last year and it established well but was much lower yielding than a fall planting. Hard to pencil out a 40-50 bale yield for the season which is about all I can expect out of spring planted grasses here.

I am thinking about planting spring oats and planting orchard or brome with the oats. I know the oats would give me a good cutting of hay and was thinking the grass could grow the rest of the year to be well established for next year. Maybe even possibly get a fall cutting off the grass if we have enough moisture in late summer?

Has anyone had any experience planting orchard or brome with oats? Will what I'm thinking of doing work well or would I be better off just planting oats by themselves this spring and trying to plant the grass again in the fall? I'm thinking maybe the oats should be planted thinner to ensure they don't smother out the grass seedlings? Maybe reduce the amount of N as well to ensure the oats don't lodge and smother the grass?


Planting spring oats with brome/orchard

NH discbine

mardi 30 janvier 2018

Thinking about updating our 1465 to a discbine and am wondering what models would be good ones about the same size. Any goods or bads and anything to look out for?

NH discbine

Are We Ready for this Conversation

I wrote the following a few weeks back in a moment of reflection. Things have improved since then, but through some hard choices. Selling equipment and clear-cutting forest. Still it will enable us to be in a better position financially down the road and keep everything. Still it is a difficult discussions that I am not sure we are ready for. I sent this to both my pastor and my wife with little response sadly enough. Still the statistics are sobering; I called the semi-article: Black Thumb.



The snow squeaks under my snow boots as I step upon it on my way to a tree that stands majestically before me. Snow only squeaks if it is below ten degrees, and this morning the digital numbers on the thermometer of my house have a negative sign before them. The thermometer is not the only thing that tells me it is twelve degrees below zero here, and that is Fahrenheit and not Celsius, but almost everything.


I had to beat the gate latch with the back of an axe to get the gate to open, had a battery charger on the battery bank of my bulldozer all night, and used almost a full can of starting fluid getting the diesel engine to start. Even then I am not sure if the copious amount of starting fluid proved too much for the metal rings on one of the pistons because at such cold temperatures, metal loses its strength, and the engine now has a skip to it. I do the math in my head for a rebuild, easily a thousand dollars, not to mention the lack of production that will result from all the downtime. It almost is not even worth it to have started the lumbering machine up, as at best a day of intensive logging will net me five hundred dollars for the day, and that is when things go well. When it is this cold, experience has proven that everything takes longer, resulting in lower production and less money made.


Sadly, it is all about the money because if I had a choice I would not even be out here. Property taxes alone mean I must be just where I am, and despite the damage to moving equipment at such temperatures, at four o clock when my day started, I saw the dreaded email from my banker, demanding a response, and more importantly a payment for a back-owed loan that is two months behind. The words were coarse and haunting, yet typed while he sat in a cushioned office chair, probably a supplemental heater under his desk because his thin argyle socks hardly help from the overnight chill of the office building as it dips slightly from seventy-two degrees down to sixty-eight. All this helps to form a tear in my eye from the cold, anger, resentment and jealousy that wells, and just as quickly freezes.


“I made the commitment, I gotta make the payment”, I say to myself, as I talk to myself, which is something I do a lot, and yes, I even answer myself. I spend ninety percent of my time alone, and with the exception of Ole Buck, who has become a friend these last two years; following me around with his big fourteen point rack since my skidder, bulldozer and chainsaw keep the deer hunters away in November, and the limbs and tops from the trees I cut, provide feed on which he can dine in the winter; I live a solitary life. Yet the statement I make to myself is the heart of all farmers; we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps, and try to soldier on, even though no one can predict the future, and for us the odds are stacked against us. Agriculture policy, government bureaucracy, and the fickle taste of American’s palettes all play a role in creating an environment in which we tread, yet have little control over it.


I wish I could talk to my wife about such things, but with four young daughters, she is forever preoccupied. Monday is grocery day at all costs, and when the kids are not in school, parent teacher conferences, school pick-ups, and church events all take up her time and concerns, so what is there to say? I hint, but even she misses the dire signs; “I am so tired”, “What about you getting a job?” “Is there anything we could save money on?” The pressure to pay bills is mounting, made worse by the fact that we are already frugal. With no vices to blame, like cigarettes, drinking or smoking; emotionally there is nothing to fall back upon either. There is nothing to numb the pain of guilt for not working hard enough, and the incredible amount of fatigue.


The latter is not from depression, but rather from cancer that is confirmed within my body. It was discovered six months before when my chainsaw cut through a sapling that was bent over by a felled tree. When it whipped up, it sent my chainsaw flying into my face leaving me knocked out and a gash between my forehead. With no cell phone…a needless cost since I have no one to talk too anyway…I looked at my skidder for a second, saw it was hitched to too many trees for a fast getaway, and instead starting to run, the snow at my feet covered in spraying blood. I made it just past the stream, just past the halfway point to my home and passed out from exhaustion. Coming too, I saw the pool of blood in the snow and knew if I did not get up and run, I might never get up. Again, that solitary life, where it could be hours before anyone even suspects something is amiss, let alone that I might be out in the woods and in trouble. However, I did make it home, made a call to 911, and ultimately to a hospital where twenty stitches and four days in the hospital allowed me to recover. It was there, in getting my CAT Scan for my concussion, that cancer was found.


A few months later it was removed, but the bank does not care if a farmer had surgery and could not work, or that the cancer depletes all energy levels. Every part of me is sore, and this includes the soles of my feet that are now feeling like blocks of ice in the deep freeze Maine is now in. I try to shake it off, to clear my head, of bills to pay, a sputtering bulldozer engine, snow up to my waist and absolutely no energy. The doctor’s think blood tests show signs of my cancer spreading, but I already know it has; not because I am negative in nature, but because no one knows my body better than me, and I can just feel its affects.


And yet in some ways I feel fortunate because I have good insurance, a benefit of years of working for unions that provide benefits after retirement. In regards to health insurance, that is great, but in terms of the life insurance it is more of a curse. That is because I know I financially I am better off dead than alive.


As I step up to the tree and begin to bore my way through the first cut, what would have normally taken just a few seconds to power my way through, takes an agonizing amount of time despite the sharpness of the saw due to the frozen wood. Still it is that same saw that can give my family what they deserve, not from the felling of trees that can be sold to a paper mill for money, but the taking of my life. Secretly I wish it would, and looking deep into the photos of me logging, a person can see it; not so much what is seen, but what is not. There is no safety gear, for if I make a mistake and my saw makes contact with flesh, what is it to the world? It has already happened three times, and it is not because I am too dumb to learn from my mistakes, but rather because I do not care if the next cut is fatal. I am just a dumb sheep farmer who misjudged income levels, cannot seem to work hard enough to pay my bills, and could relieve my wife of her vows of matrimony for life so that she could find someone better, someone with more energy, and whose dreams did not involve little white woolen balls, eating green grass, pooing out black pellets, that somehow makes red meat.


I have told her this, at least in my own way, telling her through tears that it sucks when your dreams die. She did not understand the gravity of the situation, and while she was sad and teared up, she has no idea how many times suicide runs through my head.


Even now, as a stream of sawdust spews from my saw; the thought invades…a shotgun blast to the head or the chest…which would be a faster death? I have thought of it so many times it does not even bring me to tears anymore, just a dark somber though of the details of it. I really do ponder which technique would be better. Just from this alone I know today will be a bad day as I know mulling suicide will beseech me all day…will bombard me a dozen times or more as I freeze out in the cold and ponder, ‘why do I do this?’


The truth is I know I am hardly alone, in fact, statistically speaking, I have the highest probability of actually following through with my thoughts. That is because I am a middle aged, ninth generation, full-time farmer. Despite the vast amount of media coverage regarding veterans and suicide, farmers have twice the suicide rate than veteran’s. This is a sad statistic as it is often stated, “armies travel upon their bellies.” This was pointed out one day when at age eighteen, and army recruiter who would not take no for an answer, took me to a restaurant and asked, “don’t you want to do something for your country?” Without saying a word, I gripped his plate of food and slid it towards me. He just looked down, then at me, then back at the removed plate of food and saw the point I was making, and later took me home and never asked again if I was going to join the army. The point was poignant; without farmers the country stops, even the greatest army in the world.


One reason the statistics are so murky on farmer suicides is that we have an ample amount of ways to carry it out. If I cut myself with a chainsaw and bleed to death, no one would be the wiser that it was self-inflicted, and not that of an accident. We also have access to massive equipment, so being driven over by a bulldozer is just as likely from and accident as from suicide, considering the high fatality rates associated with farming. All that and more means the statistics that are often cited for farmer suicides are probably low; very low. Self-inflicted gun-shot wounds are far easier to decipher, but considering the free access we have to them, it is no wonder they are often employed.


With the changes to the tax code, it is more than likely that farmer suicides will increase. This has been one of my most stressful years, and yet because of changes that were not in place just a few years ago, while I cannot even buy stuff to put in the Christmas stocking for my wife, on paper it looks as if this is the best year I have ever had financially. That says nothing about the payments my banker is so adamant about receiving, yet I cannot even deduct that cost, making the stress even more pronounced. The reality is, I must work through flesh numbing cold, to make money that I cannot keep, and pay even more money for making that money again on April 14th. For the farmer this all seems so wrong.


“How patient will my bank be: is the real question, and one I am not sure I know the answer too?


I have a history of always paying our bills, and love the feeling of paying off loans and being current on payments even if it means my family goes without, but there is a limit to trees that have grown to enormous size that makes valuable logs. Even now I am not logging to supplement my logging income, but rather to clear forest into fields so we can raise more sheep. Maine has lost most of its paper mills, and saw mills are failing as their own supplemental markets file for bankruptcy as well. In two years’ time, our forest, part of the American Tree Farm System has lost one-third of its value, and I am scrambling to convert forest into field while I can still get rid of the wood. This was not the way it was supposed to be, family forests such as mine, managed for sustainability were supposed to have its forest products purchased in difficult times as a reward for doing the right thing. Instead, the paper mills chose to not honor that agreement, leaving our well managed forests worthless. For me, this is forest that has been selectively harvested for nine generations. The pressure of losing such a long-standing farm is tremendous, and I would rather face the bite of one hundred shotgun balls to my chest or face then to be at the helm when all is lost.


My faith in God is pronounced, and so far, it has kept me from toting my shotgun to a far-off field and ending it all. It says in the bible that God will not give you more than you can handle, so how can I thwart his plan for my life by ending it via my own hand? Yet I have known many Christians who have lost everything too, and that includes farmers like me. For many I see their nine-hundred crosses dotted across in the mid-west from back in the 1980’s when they could not make their payments. Inevitably many of those farmers had faith in God as well, so how could they have taken their own lives? So far, the answer lies somewhere in the middle, keeping my shotgun resting on the rifle rack, but my chainsaw safety gear on a nail in the garage; should a logging accident end my life, so be it, it would be the ultimate relief from it all.


And so, I as I continue through the cold, notch out my tree, and make my back cut; skill allows the tree to start leaning over on its fateful arch to the earth. Somewhere along the way its branches hit a widow-maker and send a large branch crashing down. I see the movement out of the corner of my eye and dart out of the way at the last second, and yet as it crashes into the frozen ground, I curse myself for instinctually bolting.


“Darn”, I say, knowing sadly I am not under it, and all my problems as a farmer are gone.


Death, a final loving gift to my wife and four daughters.

Are We Ready for this Conversation


I know this may be an odd question but I have 3 heifers that should have calved already . They are huge , pretty good bag , for a heifer , 2 black angus and a hereford . Have some nice days coming up and would love for them to drop them calves . Any way to induce them ?


Lightbar install again

Anyone wishing to view a light bar install from start to finish on an 1100 ck out Paul Short's light bar video on youtube. One of the better ones I've seen. I'm sure anyone who owns a kubota product has heard of Paul and knows his work.

Lightbar install again

Festulolium Grass

lundi 29 janvier 2018

Planning on seeding 15 acres with Hay seed, Alfalfa and OG predominantly. The ground is surrounded by trees along the fence row. Cleared out the Honeysuckle and smaller trees. The ground was lease for 4 years to grow organic crops. It was organically certified. Pulled soil samples, applied fertilizer and had it chisel plowed. So now the question. Anyone have any experience with Fojtan Festulolium as a cover crop? From what I read it comes in fairly fast, +- 30 days and last up to 3 years. I used Greenspirit on 17 acres as a cover crop and did great holding back the weeds. What I did not like about Greenspirit, it was stemmy.

Festulolium Grass


So I'm still researching my RTV purchase. I have read a few threads regarding how some people favor the Boss plows over the Kubota plows.

Can we go over this a bit again? Is there a big difference in price between them?

And why do you favor one over the other? Does one have a better mount system over the other?

I also read on the Boss web site that theirs has it's own power pack.
Are the Kubota plows the same or do they use the RTV's hydraulics?


New Holland Super Sweep Pickup bearing

I have a New Holland Super Sweep (6 tine bars) pick up head on my NH 275 baler.  These super sweep pickup heads were used on other older NH balers I am sure such as the 273 and maybe 269 and 276.  If you look thru the guards (or stripper bands) you can see the 6 tine bars are mounted on a reel.  The reel is driven by a chain and sprocket on the left end of the pick up head as you look at it.  On the RIGHT hand end of the reel the center shaft of the reel is mounted to the baler and there is a bearing that the center shaft of the reel rotates in.  This bearing is shot.  Does anyone know how to access this bearing to replace it? 

New Holland Super Sweep Pickup bearing

RTV900- Idle Adjustment?

For some unknown reason the 'bota started idling faster. Not sure why but it is noticeable. I have searched the forum and service manual to find what screws and their location to turn to remedy this but was unable to get the information - likely I an not using the right search terms. Would appreciate any help or links.

RTV900- Idle Adjustment?

What Did The Bundy Resistance Accomplish.

From Growing TN.


Regards, Mike



What Did The Bundy Resistance Accomplish.


dimanche 28 janvier 2018

Does anybody make plates for A ARMS that keeps sticks from tearing the boots. They made them for the older models?


St. Paul Skyline and Amtrak

The Amtrak is five hours late. If it would have been on time I would not have had the shadows

State Capital in the background

Mississippi River

St. Paul Skyline and Amtrak

Mahindra XTV

Anybody stepped into one of these?

Sorta, kinda looking for a RTV and the offering are awesome. First thought was just go with a Kubota but after some searching there is a lot to offer now day. What I'm liking is some offer 27" wheels with a couple more inches of travel namely the Mahindra and Honda, that said I'm thinking stick with diesel.

I'm now an agent for a few gas wells that have to be addressed bi-monthly and a couple are in remote areas. Right now a pickup ain't getting there! Hilly and rutted terrain. Doing it with FIL's Mule right now.

Mahindra XTV

Is it risky to buy an older round baler?

I am thinking about buying a used 4x5 round baler in the spring and of coarse I want one that is reliable and work when the hay is ready to take but unfortunately I don't have the money for a new one. I know alittle bit about them and doesn't seem like there is to much to go wrong with them if all the belts, bearings are good, and the door in the back isn't bent. So when you are looking around at them what are some things to look out for when buying used?

Is it risky to buy an older round baler?

first time discbine buyer. CaseIH DCX91 cutterbar

samedi 27 janvier 2018

I am looking to upgrade from a 7 foot haybine to a used 9 foot discbine. I went and looked at a Case IH DCX91 discbine today. The guy that has it said it hasn't been used in 4-5 years but it has been stored inside. The sheet metal on the machine is in great shape and there is hardly any play in the cutterbar. The rollers are in great shape as well. The only thing I noticed today is as I spun the cutterbar, the two blades on the last turtle barley hit the cutter bar. I'm not sure what this problem could be. The bar is not worn any like the blades were rubbing it when the mower was in operation but the blades are scraping it now. I have attached a picture of where it is scrapping with a red arrow pointing to where its hitting. The mower is also 100 miles from me. Does anyone have any ideas on hauling it home? I have heard of people loading them sideways on a trailer and removing the tongue. Any advice is appreciated.. Thank you

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_3847.jpg

first time discbine buyer. CaseIH DCX91 cutterbar

Transporting small alfalfa bales from state to state

To be specific is it ok to bring small alfalfa square bales from North Dakota to Florida.  Would be 500 bales.    These bales are certified weed free. 



Transporting small alfalfa bales from state to state

I Report...You Decide

vendredi 26 janvier 2018

I never liked the aluminum rims that came on our RTV-X1120. While they have just a touch less weight, they don't look good covered in red clay they just don't belong on a work machine. (My opinion only).

I found an original unused set of Kubota gray factory rims form another member and bought some Blackwater Evolution tires in 26.11.12.

Please see the attached picture. It shows the original tire/rims and the new ones. Let me know what you think. My Wife sprayed the aluminum rims off a little before the pic.

The guy sitting in the seat is from our dealer who came to our place to install the seat belt brackets from the recall.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg 20171110_162948.jpg (27.8 KB)

I Report...You Decide

Routing wires for lightbar

OK, it wasn't my last. Picked up a lightbar for the front and back. As lights appear to be an accessory for the Kubota, can anyone tell me if there is prewire in the ROPS, or how they wired up the rops? I know how I do it on my tractor but if I can run inside without drilling....

Secondly, I bought a rocker switch, any surprises under the panel I need to know about? Is it pre-wired to make this all easier?

Routing wires for lightbar

And finally for tonight - Tires for the X900

So my machine came with the stock tires (HDWS). On the machine they are pretty new and in good shape (must have been recently replaced).

But we live in mud. On my quad I have Kenda Executioners and they work well, so I just bought another set with rims for the Kubota. Just making sure what he salesman told me is true...

He has me running 25-10-12 for the rear, and 25-8-12 for the front. I mentioned that on the machine all 4 tires match, he said I would be happier both for clearance and steering ease to have the thinner tire.


And finally for tonight - Tires for the X900

Has anyone split the throttle on their RTV?

I spoke with the person we bought the RTV from (flat lander) and we ilve in a very hilly part of the PNW. He suggested we get the Hand Throttle kit. Anyone have it and can offer judgement before I put down $100?

Has anyone split the throttle on their RTV?

Adding the tilt steering wheel to the X900

So the one thing missing from my machine is the tilt steering wheel. The wife and I are two different sizes and it would be nice to adjust the wheel. It looks like it is just a handle that you pull on, but maybe it is more complicated than that.

Anyone have a source for totalled RTV's? I would think someone has wrecked one bad at this point.

Adding the tilt steering wheel to the X900

Need a Hydraulic Dump system for my RTVX-900

So the used machine I got was the very basic used machine. No Hydraulic dump bed, no tilt steering wheel lever, not glove box cover.

The wife is insistent on having the dump bed feature. I called Messick, $1000. Seems a bit steep but welcome to Kubota.

Wondering if there is a less expensive source.

Also, wondering if I should just build my own. In a way I would like to get away from the manual control and put something on the dash, a simple rocker switch.

I guess I would need to know the exact size of the cylinder, a new one from Messick is $300 or so.

Any thoughts?

Need a Hydraulic Dump system for my RTVX-900

Introductions and new to me RTV-x900

So I picked up a 2014 1600 hour RTVx900 for 6300 from a flower farm in So Cal and shipped it to our other house outside of Portland OR. No one around me has one, and I value these forums so hoping to find guidance and help from everyone.

I think what I will do is ask my questions individually, so maybe it can be searched down the road.

Introductions and new to me RTV-x900

Whip lights for your RTV

Old Man mentioned in another thread that he rides in a caravan at Christmas time with lights to celebrate the season. We have some doing the same thing here in my neck of the woods.

Some had these 2' or 4' whip pole lights. Led, light up in all colors ..and look really cool.

Have you guys already seen these and considered them. Riding the trails on my property those lights would not last long. To many branches regularly get down into the trail area. They'd take those light right off if I forgot to fold them down.

Link to some of the lights:

Attached Images
File Type: jpg 4ftWhipLight.jpg (19.0 KB)

Whip lights for your RTV

Turbo for X900?

Spoke with a gentleman at Wiedmann Beothers, and was very satisfied with the information on there turbo kit for the x900. Let’s face it friends , great machine but a complete dog going up hills hauling any sizable load. Like to here any feedback anyone can offer on this subject .

Turbo for X900?

Used Equipment Prices.

Successful Farming.....Large equipment....but some good questions to consider when thinking about equipment.


Regards, Mike



Used Equipment Prices.

M&W 4500 rd baler

First time here, just bought a older M&W 4500 string round baler. I know it will take some learning but first time using it I baled hay until the tractor started to bog down, 1 sensor light started to flicker but too late, took 4 hours to dig the hay out. So I started to clock myself about 5-6 mins and got decent bales. But the sensors are suppose to be new. Did notice sensors are different in lengths (flat thin paddle piece) 1 is longer than other,  #1437981 C (Mexico longer paddle 2 3/8") other sensor #1437981 (China "artsway" 1 7/8"). Also isn't the roll suppose to automatic roll out, I go back there and give a pull and out it comes? I am use to square bales, like I said new at it. Anyway to test sensors, multimeter check? Thanks 

M&W 4500 rd baler

New to this market, Seeking Alfalfa growers.

jeudi 25 janvier 2018

Not familiar with this market, I've been in need of some solid contacts to buy premium Alfalfa. I'll be totally honest, I thought this industry would be easy, not so much. I've been searching for a few weeks (via) internet , phone and associations in this industry and I'm having a hard time finding the right growers. I hoping this community can help me out. A little background on me , I work with a development investment company here in the states, we have offices in Idaho, Arizona and California. We have partner up with a new corporation which has a large need for the Alfalfa product. So let me get down to the nuts and bolts , We are looking for premium alfalfa, 20,000 tons per month, 240,000 tons a year. We are willing to service a 3 year contact to start if things go well with the growers relationship. We have funding in place for this venture. We have a partner company that will handle of shipping needs from the grower. On one more note. I know the hay industry is a hard working group of people and sometimes the market place can be unfair to this industry. The group I work with will work from the ground up to make it fair for all involved and we take pride in making strong working relationships. I want to thank you for the time on reading my post.    

New to this market, Seeking Alfalfa growers.


My friend is looking at a 2012 500, in real nice shape. They are asking $6400. Is that a good price anyone?

His wife gave him the green light on a 4 wheeler, for what he plans to use it for, I pointed him towards UTV, and of course Kubota


Cyclone spreader

mercredi 24 janvier 2018

My 3pt cyclone spreader doesn't say how fast to spin it just shows how to set it for a given rate, how fast should I spin it???



Thanks, Chris

Cyclone spreader

RTV XG-850

mardi 23 janvier 2018

No talks yet on the new RTV XG-850 Sidekick? Anybody know anything about them yet?

RTV XG-850

Tracks!! Tracks!! Tracks!!

I know it's been covered before and I've looked through the archives, but not finding what I need.

I'm getting rid of my snow machine, Mama says she's not up to the cold anymore, so thinking of tracking up the old 1100. I've ran tracks before on a Prowler(TJD tracks) and wasn't real fond of them. They did well enough in the snow, but always breaking something. I'm looking at the Camso 4s1 tracks, which looks much better then the TJD's. The Prowler was 1000 cc and had the ponies to pull them, but really worked the machine. It was a 70 MPH buggy on tires and would top out at 35 mph on tracks, although I ran about 20. My concern is the 1100 is pretty much hp limited for top speed. The extra drag could really be a deal breaker as far as speed is concerned. Not wanting to run pedal to the medal to get 12 MPH. I hope to be able to maintain 15 mph or so without full throttle. Be running on the river which has no hills to climb. Can anybody give me some feedback.

Tracks!! Tracks!! Tracks!!

Forestry mulcher

Anybody here know the best skid steer and forestry mulcher to buy. Just thinking about this.

Forestry mulcher

Hay Reseeding Help

I’m looking for some help . We are fairly new to the hay business and are at the point of replanting. Located in southwest Ontario Canada on a light sand soil . The alfalfa in the field is 6 yrs old and 50 to 70% died off and about the same for Timothy .
Can I get away with taking the first cut off in june Then spray down with roundup. Replant with 50/50 orchard grass / alfalfa . Will the toxic effects of the old alfalfa cause problems? I could seed the orchard grass in August and then drill in alfalfa the following spring? What are your thoughts? TIA

Hay Reseeding Help

Kuhn grs 25n Manual

Just after an operators manual for a Kuhn grs 25n

Cheers, James

Kuhn grs 25n Manual

More power/speed no $$

lundi 22 janvier 2018

I was reading the SWAG Turbo install .pdf. What they have you do is advance the timing by removing shims under the injector pump. Increase fuel by adjusting the pump to max per cylinder. Then set the boost max to 5 to 7 pounds. But how do they get the HST to deliver that extra HP?

RELIEF VALVE ADJUSTMENT for forward and reverse. This raises the max oil pressure on HST. Max oil pressure is set to prevent overloading the engine. Remember the engine is just an oil pump. In the WSM if you suffer from loss of power they have check for leaking or out of adjustment relief valves.

Now what I'm thinking is, that is how they make it go faster and have more power. The engine is not turning any faster with a turbo. So when your climbing a hill and the machine slows down and engine doesn't slow the relief valves are dumping to control max oil pressure.

I don't know if top speed is affected by this, because top speed maybe max engine rpm driving max oil volume with no relief valve bypass.

So do turbo'ed RTV 1100 have greater top speed?

Comments SWAG'S ?

More power/speed no $$

Making Haylage



I am currently making small square dry bales.  I'm looking on some advice on making haylage and had a few questions.


My plan is to use my drum mower to lay the hay down. The drum mower lays the hay down in a 3 or 4 foot wide windrow. The hay is usually a combo of orchard grass. timothey and red and ladino white clover.


Should I rake the hay  prior to round baling or just bale away? Mt thought is it would be well into the wilt stage on top but pretty wet underneath. Is that a concern or am I thinking too much?





Making Haylage

Need advice on a baler to buy

Hi folks, new to the forum and looking to get into small scale hay production. My name is Kevin and I live in NW Oregon. I’ve got 5 acres of semi soupy ground that dries out well in spring and summer. I would only be producing hay on 2 acres as we’ve put 2 acres into timber and the other is a 1 acre hobby farm plot. I have a Yanmar 1610D tractor that’s 20 hp. I think I’ve got the mower part figured out (sickle bar) as well as the rake, but I’m having trouble with finding a baler that would work for my tractor. I’ve looked into hobby farm type balers but they go for 8k all the way up to 17k! Outrageous! I was hoping someone could give me a few ideas on what I could do on a small New Holland/Deere/Case/Hesson or other brand baler that I might find at auction that would work for me. Even one that had its own engine would be fine. I’ve also looked into the small round baler that runs on a BCS two wheel tractor but even those are too steep for my budget. Any advice anybody could lend me would be helpful, thanks.

Need advice on a baler to buy

New customer

dimanche 21 janvier 2018

Well new again,I have sold to him before.But anyway 30 ton per week until I'm out. :D  :D  :D

New customer

Shuts off intermittently

So I have to say that I have been impressed with my 2017 RTVX1100C up until now. It has been sitting outside for about week in some very cold weather with high temperatures in the high teens to low 20's. Yesterday we had nice warm up with highs in the mid forties. It was so nice out I thought I would run the property line to check on a few things. So I get in and start it up (normal startup) and I let it idle a bit to get warmed up. I put it in gear and start on my run, with in first 75 feet it starts slowing down, then shuts off completely, it felt like it was running out of fuel. I check the fuel gauge shows 3/4 tank. I decide to restart it and it starts and idles normally.

Thinking its a fluke I decide to continue on I put it back in gear and go. This time with in 150 feet it does the same thing. This time I do visual check inside fuel tank and verify the 3/4 tank of fuel. Check the fuel filter, which looks extremely clean and verify no water in separator, all checks out ok. Long story short it does three more times, to the point I cancel my trip because I don't want to get stuck out in back part of my property.

It just turned 100 miles on odometer, it starts and idles normally each and every time but when it shuts off under acceleration it feels like running out of fuel. I don't see anything obvious. So I decided to park it in heated garage over night to see if maybe it has gelled fuel line or something.

I also wanted to reach out to you kind folks to see if anyone else has experienced this or has any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Shuts off intermittently

Portable grain bin?

Does anyone here use a portable grain bin with an auger to fill up creep feeders or troughs. My local southern states mixes a feed ration we use on calves and will deliver 3 ton or more . I always get feed in bulk bags to give to heifers and a bucket or so to keep the cows calm and use to you. Here is the problem they are always out of some of ingredients to make feed out of corn this week , out of soybean hulls next .....etc. I found a portable 3 ton with a dc electric motor auger . But I can’t find any reviews or tube video on any portable grain bins . My thought was by having this bin would cut down on the amount of time that we needed a delivery or if the field was too muddy to get into .

Portable grain bin?


Have a SFRTV-9 with about 2500 hours her. Busted the hydraulic line coming off the pump the other day. Replaced it, replenished my hyd fluid and now it is running rough, over heating and blowing white smoke after warming up. Also, high gear is not pulling/engaging like it should - significantly less power.

*Ran her twice since changing line - once as a test and once to verify smoke.

Any idea?


Best Pre emergent for bermuda.

samedi 20 janvier 2018

I am trying to get everything ready to spray pre emergent on my midland 99 Bermuda I had spriged last year and was wondering what has worked best for everybody? Last year it was pretty clean other than some crab and barnyard grass. I would like to clean it up the best I can becuse I would like to make some good quilty small squares for horse hay this year. I have heard that prowel H20 works ok but was wondering if there is anything better? I have planes on what ever I spray pre emerge I will also mix in some glyphosate to take care of any winter grasses or weeds that are in there if any. Thanks

Best Pre emergent for bermuda.

Extending and old stand of alfalfa with wheat / teff grass

Hello.  Thank you for openly sharing great advice and stories of past success / failures on here.  I can't tell you how many hours I have spent learning.  


I have an 18 acre field that has an old stand of alfalfa.  The field is laser leveled and flood irrigated.  The stand was planted in 2013 and lived through a VERY severe drought for 2 years (2014 and 2015).  The stand is good in some places but almost bare in others.  I have another field with a brand new stand of roundup ready alfalfa so I don’t really need any more alfalfa to sell to my customers – I would rather have some other types of hay.  Last year I got 4 cuttings off this field.  It made 1.98, 1.08, 1.29 and 0.75 tons / acre for a total of 5.11 tons / acre.  Not terrible but the stand really started to thin in the last part of the year.  I don’t really want to rip up the ground and re-level due to paying off some other ground this year. 


I have 2 options running through my head.  I am anxious to hear thoughts on either one:


Option 1 – no till drill wheat at 80# / acre into the alfalfa stand in mid-march.  Swath and bale the wheat / alfalfa mix around the 5th of June.  Once the wheat is off, spray the entire field with round up to kill alfalfa, wheat and weeds.  Go in and plant teff grass with either brillion seeder or broadcast spreader / cultipacker.  Take 1st cutting of teff around 10th of August.  Take second cutting around 15th of September.  Let teff grow back until first freeze and then graze cattle and horses.  Rip up field in fall, let lay dormant for winter and then laser level and plant teff or alfalfa in 2019 depending on the water year. 

I am concerned about this option because I don’t know how the teff grass will take in the wheat stubble.  There should be very little residue because I will swath and bale the wheat but I am still uncertain.  Any stories of past success or failure of planting teff into wheat stubble would be great. 


Option 2 – take first crop of alfalfa around the 5th of June.  Plant teff grass with brillion seeder or broadcast spreader / cultipacker while alfalfa it short.  Take 2nd crop around 10th of July.  Teff will be about 35 days old at this time.  Take 3rd crop around 20th of August.  Take 4th crop around 25th of September.  Let teff grow until 1st freeze and then graze cattle and horses.  Let lay dormant for winter and then go back with teff grass.  Eventually the teff will choke our most of the alfalfa out and I can go back into alfalfa in 2020 or so. 


The summers get too hot for orchardgrass / timothy here.  I have had really good success with both teff grass and wheat hay on this ground in the past.  Any stories of success or failure with this type of operation would be greatly appreciated - specifically planting into wheat stubble and any ground preparation.  Thank you!!!

Extending and old stand of alfalfa with wheat / teff grass

RTV 500 acceleration problem

Hello, I have an older (750 hr) rtv 500. Recently I've noticed that pressing the gas and the sound of the engine don't match the output from the machine.

Basically it sounds like it should be moveing faster or pulling better than it does. Tires are not spinning and are properly inflated. Air intakes recently blown out.

Any other info needed please let me know.

Thanks in advance for the help.

RTV 500 acceleration problem

Rear Bumper for RTV-X11xx??

vendredi 19 janvier 2018

So I backed into something the other day, so I've scene the bumper that connects to the dump bed pivot and floor. Comments? Any others?

Rear Bumper for RTV-X11xx??

Tire wear on 1140

The inside of my right rear tire is wearing significantly more than the rest of the tire or other tires on the RTV. Any idea's?

Tire wear on 1140

Home made grapple/accumulator

jeudi 18 janvier 2018

Hey everyone,


I just wanted to share a build that I' working on, in case anyone is interested. I'm building an 8 bale accuma-grapple that's kind of modeled off the Maxilator, but by no means a copy. I took general design concepts from them from pictures on the web and a few others to concoct what this has become.


My operation consists of pretty much me and my wife, but mostly me because I usually take vacation to knock out first cutting. I've always wanted a maxilator type thing, but could never afford one, so I figured I'd build one. So far I'm in just under $1000, and about to complete it. 


I tried to upload pictures, but photobucket has become a joke. If anyone has suggestions on how to get pics on here without using them, I would appreciate it.



If interested here are a few videos, part 1,2 and 3. Part 4 will be out in a couple days, and I'm sure part 5 will be the completion video.


Best regards,




Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk6hW-gdNT4&t=25s


Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj-Nmk4IhWk


Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BeKYVb5i2Q



Home made grapple/accumulator

John Deere.....The Man.

A very short brief from Successful Farming.


Regards, Mike



John Deere.....The Man.

If You....

Growing TN....by Kristen Traugh.


Regards, Mike



If You....

Best Pre emergent for bermudia.

mercredi 17 janvier 2018

I am trying to get everything ready to spray pre emergent on my midland 99 bermudia I had spriged last year and was wondering what has worked best for everybody? Last year it was pretty clean other than some crab and barnyard grass. I would like to clean it up the best I can becuse I would like to make some good quilty small squares for horse hay this year. I have heard that prowel H20 works ok but was wondering if there is anything better? I have planes on what ever I spray pre emerge I will also mix in some glyphosate to take care of any winter grasses or weeds that are in there if any. Thanks

Best Pre emergent for bermudia.

which is better? rotor feed or stuffer feed round balers

Snow day just has me wondering the difference between rotor feed and stuffer feed on round balers. Seems like the rotor feed balers usually come with knives but do they feed as good as a conventional stuffer finger baler. Seems like there is way more room for the hay to into the bale chamber with a stuffer. Just curious as to what every one else thinks or has noticed.

which is better? rotor feed or stuffer feed round balers

Haybine rollers

I replied to a post related to Circle C conditioners the other day.  Mentioned that I have 4 sets of brand new factory rollers for CIH/Hesston/Agco/MF/NI...etc hanging on wall in hay shed.  Another poster expressed interest in buying some of them.  Today I called dealerships to get NEW price and I will sell mine for 75% of new.   Same part number 700115122 - Lower Steel Roller.   CIH dealer = $1750,  Agco dealer = $2020, Kinda/Sorta/Ain'tSure Hesston dealer = $1656.   Seems odd.   Then I checked on 700712170 - Ticor Right Hand Spiral Roller.  CIH = $3990,  Agco = $5798,  Kinda/Sorta = $3624!!   Probably skip the Agco Dealer??!!!  


I think I'll try pricing my hay like this next year.  You never know what someone will pay.......Gotta go for it!

Haybine rollers

Thinking of buying a Kuhn GA6000

I'm making hay & silage from grass using a Welger AP71 baler. Currently using a Haybob 360 rake and Kuhn GA300 rotary rake for rowing up.


The GA300 has just had a bearing fail so it's sitting to one side until end of season.


A local guy is selling a Kuhn GA6000, twin rotary rake for $NZ4000 (about $US3000) which looks very tempting.


Can the GA6000 be towed on the road behind my ute (that's what we call a pickup truck) ?


Any reliability or performance problems ? (I've read elsewhere here that I should replace the roll pins annually because an unexpected roll pin failure is bad).


I want to run it behind a Ford 3000. Any issues with this ?


Any suggestions as to how I check for cam wear (or anything else that could be worn out and expensive) ?


I'm mainly raking 5 acre blocks which are flat. Anything small or hilly I can just use the Haybob 360.


Thanks, Shane

Waikato, New Zealand





Thinking of buying a Kuhn GA6000

starting the kubota 1100 in cold weather

i learned something new this morning while starting the 1100. the temp here was 2 degrees F with light wind. i already had anti gell in the fuel so i knew that wouldn't be a problem, so what i learned was that i had to glow the engine for 1 min and continue cranking to assist the engine as it was running but would die without the starter. the new biggie for me anyway was the discovery that if you fudge back on the key while cranking you can glow while the starter is engaged. that caused the engine to take right off and then i released the key some more and continue to glow for about another 15 sec. i used to do this on the old Caterpillar but i had separate glow plug control. should take the wear from the starter.:starbucks:

starting the kubota 1100 in cold weather

Seeking some advice

mardi 16 janvier 2018

Last year we purchased some acreage that is planted in Argentine Bahai- it's a flat plateau, roughly 30 acres here in NW Florida (Pensacola).  A few years ago it was hayed and last year we just kept it mowed with the bush hog and finish mower.  We would really like to fertilize and hay it this year.  We have a 60 HP tractor but no hay equipment.  When I look on CL I see all sorts of mowers and rakes and balers and I'm not sure where to begin.  This forum seems like a very good place to start!  Do you folks have some preferences or recommendations.  Thank you so much!

Seeking some advice

x1100c Interior upper console

Has anyone found a interior upper console for a x1100c? I found a custom one on this site (which was a pretty cool build out) , but I have not found one that could be purchased. Maybe this does not exist.

I am just looking for more efficient storage area (gloves, hats, shells etc) and the interior roof area seems to have some nice real estate that could be used.


Photo of my new x1100 attached.


Attached Files
File Type: pdf kub.pdf (58.6 KB)

x1100c Interior upper console

Happy to find this group.

Hi all, we just got our first x1100c and are loving it so far. Has anyone done any work with installing better interior cab lights that worked well for them?

Happy to find this group.

Case IH 8840 and 8380 headers

Anyone know if the headers on the center pivot 8380 fits on the self propelled 8840?  




Case IH 8840 and 8380 headers

Cattle "safe" sprinklers

We are building 65 acres of solid set sprinklers. Our engineer has the sprinklers 60" in the air on galvanized pipe. We have looked at the K-Line systems that use a pod to protect the sprinklers. There are 1129 sprinklers in the set so we are trying to make it as efficient as possible. 11 miles of ditch also! 

What have you done to keep the cows from beating up the set?

Cattle "safe" sprinklers

USDA Crop Production Report: Hay Inventories.

Just seems odd for as slow as hay has moved this year in many areas.


Regards, Mike



USDA Crop Production Report: Hay Inventories.

oats in little squares

Hi there


i plowed 70 acres last fall and need to seed this coming spring

i'm debating if in should put an annual crop in and work it up again in the fall so i could kill more gophers and moles etc 

i sprayed couple days before my last cutting and then plowed it couple weeks later before frost 

need to disc and prepare my seed bed in spring(april-may)and seed 


so question is


your thoughts on oats or annual crop!


i was thinking to seed oats in end april-beginning may and harvest 60-70 days after as greenfeed or maybe make it in small squares then disc and seed again rite after and harvest in sept maybe 

don't know if ill be able to do 2! 


or shall i go my normal way and seed it into alfalfa/o-grass mix


please any thoughts or experience will be appreciated 





oats in little squares

Hesston 5580 round baler belts

lundi 15 janvier 2018

I bought a hesston 5580 this last fall to use for my own cattle. I got it home and used it for a few hours and it seemed to work well but i broke a belt right before I broke the pto shaft (was my fault I must not of put the retaining clip in the yolk all the way. Luckily it was on the tractor side.) that ended my baling for the year as I had a neighbor do it last minute. My question is the rest of the belts look as good as the one that broke. Is it a good enough baler to warrant a new set of belts for my use? I'd probably do like 50 rounds in a year. Also the electric tie works fine but that's all that works with the monitor. I'd like to put a hydraulic cylinder in place of it to eliminate the electrics if anyone has a suggestion... Please and thank you.

Hesston 5580 round baler belts

Dead Cattle

I've been arguing with my accountant for a couple of years on how to deal with cattle deaths on the books. She insists that if we didn't pay for them we can't take the loss. I say that I want the potential earnings or value....townie CPA. We lost an old cow to heat and a calf in a flood last year. 

Dead Cattle

Done with my PITA

I must admit that I have been very fortunate with hay customers, all of whom are horse people.  My hay has sold for years by word of mouth with no advertising and no leftovers come hay season.   But,,, I have had a hay customer for some 5 years now, often 10-20 bales at a time at weird hours often in panic at the last minute.  But, she lives just up the road so I put up with it. two years ago she got  some orchard grass that was made the first week of June (way before most here) that obviously I would have liked to make when it was raining in mid may.  It was late fall after most of the ground here had gone dormant.  She boards at a place on the river and her paddocks are in the floodplain meaning they are warmer later in the year and wetter and still have thriving green grass long after the uplands do not.  Could not understand why her horses would not eat the hay, must be bad hay.  I said are the paddocks green?  She said yes, then don't feed hay as they are not going to choose hay over grass.  Two weeks later after the temps dropped they were eating the bad hay just fine.


Same person texted me today about "what the hell happened to your hay, horses won't eat what we just got".  I told her there was absolutely nothing wrong with the hay, i was feeding the exact same hay to my horses and boarded horses and they were cleaning it up.  It isn't sugar hay like third cutting but it is well made dominantly og.  So it is coming back sometime and she is looking for another supplier.  Good riddens and hopefully she finds someone who will sell here 100% perfect hay 10 bales at a time for 6$/bale.  Done with my PITA.


Honestly you guys that write about horsey types on a regular basis, don't know how you live with customers like this.  ok, i feel better now.... :angry:




Done with my PITA

Round balers, still looking.

  Still procrastinating, still haven't made up my mind which mid sized round baler to buy.  I'd like to get a Vermeer Rebel 5410 or 5420 (net AND twine) but cannot find anything used with low bales and/or closer than 4+ hours away.  New is an option but a costly one.  Ive found a NH RB450 UTILITY with twine and net, new for $21000.  It's within a couple hours of me and Im confident I could get it reasonably cheaper than the posted price but Ive heard bad things about the 450U.  Mainly that it just isn't built heavy enough and wont hold up over the long haul.  Ive even had three different NH salesman tell me as such.  Anyone have any knowledge on the 450 Utility?

Round balers, still looking.


dimanche 14 janvier 2018

To raise and grow them into cows or sale and buy young bred cowd


Baler pickup bands

I'm guessing that's what they are called, my NH648 has a couple bent pickup bands that won't stay on and cause the fingers to rub and they get bent also...


I did a little searching and mr google showed me the bands made from "poly" plastic type, they are around 30$ each vs the metal ones @ 40$ each...


I only need a few...


Has anyone used the poly type, are they really as good as the makers say they are??


Would you recommend staying with metal or the poly/plastic type?


Thanks, Chris

Baler pickup bands

What's out there for smaller mergers?

Based on my other thread, it sounds like a merger is the best choice for combining multiple crops ahead of the chopper.  We are laying a 5' swath from a 10' discbine, what's the best merger for combining 2 into 1 or possible 3 into 1 in lighter crops.  We are only chopping with a 790 behind 110 pto hp so a huge merger is pointless and prohibitively expensive.


A NH166 comes to mind, but the pickup is pretty narrow on them and I've read they don't handle heavier crops that well.  Decent used ones with the extension belt are rare to find as well.


I've also seen an H+S M6, but only once.  The M9 is getting pretty big for storage and maybe too wide for only a 10' cut.


What others should we look at?

What's out there for smaller mergers?

rtv 1120d height with plastic roof?

Hello! New to the forums. I just received my 1120d on Friday. I would like to install either the FOPS metal roof or the plastic one. My only problem is that my garage door opening is only 84" tall when the rtv is already 79 1/2" tall. Does anyone know the height with the two roofs? Thanks!

rtv 1120d height with plastic roof?

Air seeder

samedi 13 janvier 2018

Just bought a Massey 7716 with CVT transmission was wondering what size of air seeder it could pull some hills think tractor is rated 150/160 HP any suggestions greatly appreciated

Air seeder


I will be slowly transitioning a cold storage shed over to a heated Shop. Wanted to get some ideas, regrets, must haves from others on how to set it up.

This will be done at a slow pace when money is available so want to make it really nice for many years to come. But I have no plans of going over the top on anything. This will be a workshop not a party space. I don't plan on having a bathroom or shower. I have a bathroom off my garage close to my shop. Also I have a nice office in my house so not planning on that either. It will be insulated well and heated with a outdoor wood burner. I want to have a bulk oil handling area and small wash bay. The building currently has a drain so plan to have wash bay in that area.
Any ideas would be appreciated


My new scrap metal and welding project.

I have been in need/want of a land plane land leveler grader whatever you call it for a while now. I have been gathering up and saving some scrap and leftover steel to build it the 4" square tubing were some old parking lot light post, i had to buy some 4" 1/2 flat bar to make the hitch mounts, i got 2 used 12' grader blades removed from a flote everything else was left over from a other jobs or scrap. So I Finley got a chance to get it started this week. it is 8' wide 6' long and 18" tall. I have made it to accept cat 1 and cat 2 quick hitch so I would be able to use it on both my tractors. So far so good next step is to put some 3/8 flat bar as bottom skids and weld in some 4" angle to mount the grader blades to.

Attached Thumbnails

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My new scrap metal and welding project.

Looking for CK2610H Service Manual

I'm looking for the CK2610H Service Manual. I've checked a few resources mentioned here but haven't been able to track it down. Any help would be appreciated.

Looking for CK2610H Service Manual

2018 Haying/farming pictures

Happy New Years folks.   Time to start the 2018 haying pictures.   I'll start off.   I'm in Panama right now.   Attached are a couple pictures.   The first is my youngest son and his cousin riding a horse in a newly built horse arena my in laws have built.   2nd is a picture of they hay they buy here.   Baling hay in Panama has become a thing the last couple years here.   I was told that 3 years ago hay bales were $10 a bale.  Now more people are baling hay so it is down to $5.   I don't think it looks very good, but I imagine haying here is much like haying in the deep south and Florida.   Lots of humidity.  They say the horses seem to like eating dry hay better then the pasture hay.    I've noticed hay balers for sale now at the farm equipment dealers here.   Some weird orange balers at one dealer.   I don't know the brand yet, but I don't see a fly wheel.   The 3rd pic is some of my inlaws land from my drone.   They run a cement form making business where they make culverts and the like (huge paying business for them).   The new arena on the right and their home.   I guess they are planning on having horse events at some point as they are currently building some grandstands.   They've imported several horses from the U.S.  Including the one in the picture.  


lukeandmaylin.jpg panama hay.jpg DJI_0054.JPG

2018 Haying/farming pictures

58 degrees here yesterday

vendredi 12 janvier 2018

Not so high today however.

But life is good with 21.6 diesel horses, 4 wheel drive and 72" of heavy gauge cold rolled steel to attack the elements. Did I mention I had to turn down the heater 'cause it got too warm in the cab.

Not complaining as I enjoy this weather. I don't like high temps and humidity so anything over 10 deg F is good.

58 degrees here yesterday

Asphalt Barn Floor Questions

You folks that have an asphalt floor in your barn to stack hay on - I have a couple questions.

1. How is the floor constructed, ie gravel base and asphalt on top, etc.

2. How thick the layers, asphalt and any gravel beneath?

3. When you park your heavy equipment or loaded wagons on the asphalt, are they leaving any dents (for lack of a better word).

4. I’m considering asphalt as I gather one can stack square bales on it with little fear as compared to concrete, etc. Has your asphalt/stacking hay directly on it delivering the mail in terms of reduced or no mold on the bottom layer of the stack?

Any other helpful advice/info is much appreciated.


Asphalt Barn Floor Questions

shot myself in the foot! NH baler repair question.BR7070

I loosened the belt tension (hydrolic) on my 7070 NH baler.  When I started forming the bale, all the belts traveled to the left side of the rollers.  I corrected my mistake, but I damaged the rubber coating on the very top, most forward, roller.  The rubber is on the roller to create a high spot on the roller to keep the belt centered and prevent belt overlapping during bale formation I believe.  I think I need to remove the entire roller to have it repaired? Any advise, recomendations, for how I do this would be appreciated. tim

shot myself in the foot! NH baler repair question.BR7070

Peanut hay

Devildawg's post in the the gluten thread reminded me that a lot of people in the southeast feed peanut hay to their livestock, especially horses.


A couple of questions:


Has anybody in this group grown peanut hay?  What's it like? (Growing cycle, yield, drying?)


How far north can you grow it?  Would it work in central Illinois?  How do you plant it?  Fertilizer?


If I remember right, there are problems with it dropping leaves, like over-dried alfalfa.  I'm wondering that that may not be a problem in my area because of my high humidity.



Number Five needs more input.








Peanut hay

another 900 starting issue...

jeudi 11 janvier 2018

Long time viewer first time poster...

Searched for a while but couldn't find anything - so here it goes

Bought a used 2011 kub 900 this summer. 2000 hrs. Noticed that sometimes (when i felt like the fuel tank got somewhat low) it would hesitate when starting up for the first time, it would run rough as if air was in the sytem for about 5 seconds then go back to normal - if i ran it around the farm turned it off and started again, it would never have a problem, only the first startup of the day. Figured when i serviced it, the problem would go away. New air filters, fuel filters, etc. bled the system. Still would do it, but never bad enough not to start.

Then it got cold. It would take me 45 secs - 1 min to get this thing started in the cold, and only after multiple attempts, and holding the pedal half way down would it finally get cranked... Pulled the glow plugs, no issue there. Re bled the system, re did the filters - no change.

Its almost as if air is getting in the system or something because when it starts up its runs rough for about 5 secs sometimes will shut off, crank it again, shuts off, then finally give it more gas and it'll run rough than level out. Again, if its 10 degrees outside its only the first start up of the day. If i start and stop it its fine, but if i let it sit for an hour or so, it gets to be hard to start again. Any ideas? thanks in advance!

another 900 starting issue...

another 900 starting issue...

Long time viewer first time poster...

Searched for a while but couldn't find anything - so here it goes

Bought a used 2011 kub 900 this summer. 2000 hrs. Noticed that sometimes (when i felt like the fuel tank got somewhat low) it would hesitate when starting up for the first time, it would run rough as if air was in the sytem for about 5 seconds then go back to normal - if i ran it around the farm turned it off and started again, it would never have a problem, only the first startup of the day. Figured when i serviced it, the problem would go away. New air filters, fuel filters, etc. bled the system. Still would do it, but never bad enough not to start.

Then it got cold. It would take me 45 secs - 1 min to get this thing started in the cold, and only after multiple attempts, and holding the pedal half way down would it finally get cranked... Pulled the glow plugs, no issue there. Re bled the system, re did the filters - no change.

Its almost as if air is getting in the system or something because when it starts up its runs real rough for about 5 secs sometimes will shut off, crank it again, shuts off, then finally give it more gas and itll run rough than level out. Again, if its 10 degrees outside its only the first start up of the day. If i start and stop it its fine, but if i let it sit for an hour or so, it gets to be hard to start again. Any ideas? thanks in advance!

another 900 starting issue...

Boomer 50 Hydro

Hello to all. I have a 2013 New Holland Boomer 50 with 180 hrs on it.
I bought it used. I have lots of power in 1st and 2nd range I can spin all 4 tires with the loader and 400 lbs of ballast in both ranges.

My issue is that in 3rd (high) range its it is week, it will stall out on even small grades. The engine will drop 2-300 rpm, throw a smoke haze and it will stop moving. It does not make any difference if I partially or fully press the hydro pedal.

Does any one have a Boomer 40 or 50 out there, how does it work in 3rd range?

Any ideas as to what the problem could be? I changed the filters and hyd fluid and it did not make a difference.

Thanks to all who respond.

Boomer 50 Hydro

Hay farm employment?

Hey guys haven't been on here in a long time. I sure do miss baling some hay. If anyone or anyone knows of a large hay farm looking for a assistant manager/manager please let me know. I would like to get back into forage. I am currently a commercial broiler technical advisor. I make a good living and am not dying to find another career, but I thought I was see what's out there. Would have to include a nice salary, company vehicle, and health insure. For the right oppertunity I would consider moving anywhere in the US. I am a hard worker and once acquainted I will provide your company the results your looking for. My wife would also be looking for employment so if possible the she would be a good fit in clerical or customer service with the same company, but if not I'm sure she could find a position locally. Hope everyone on haytalk is doing well.

Hay farm employment?

massey 1540 hydraulic leaking transmission vent tube after cold weather

Have a Massey 1540, 2007, powershuttle. After plowing in 2 degree weather i notice a hydraulic leak. Its coming from the transmission vent tube on top of the bell housing.
I noticed when the tractor is turned off i here some gurgling from the tube and the leak stops. This will happen when idling or moving. tractor operates fine, forward/reverse works fine.

I know most here won't have this tractor with this setup. Looking for a service manual any sources other than the dealer?

massey 1540 hydraulic leaking transmission vent tube after cold weather

Rotary rake for merging and raking?

Can a single rotor rake be used for merging wet hay for chopping AND raking dry hay for baling?


We currently cut with a 10' discbine, dropping a 5' swath for chopping haylage and a 6' swath if we plan to bale. 


In lighter crops, we have a Gehl 1150 front mounted merger on the chopper tractor.  The concept is great, but it's challenging for inexperienced operators to run and doesn't work in corners.


For dry hay, we leave it for a few days and then rake it up in the morning of baling day with a worn out NH 256 rolabar.


I'm wondering if a single rotor rake could replace both of these machines by swinging the tractor drawbar to either side, leaving the raked swath in the 4' space between swaths (for baling dry hay) or on top of the next swath for chopping.  I'd prefer not to have to rake both swaths for chopping and it would be nice to be able to rake 3 into 1 in really light crops.


Does a rotary rake leave a fairly even windrow in wet hay for chopping?  Our harvester head is pretty unforgiving with heaps!


We've also considered a NH166 for merging windrows, but the pickup width is pretty limiting and decent ones with the extension belt are hard to find.  Are there any other decent smaller mergers to consider?  Even the H+S M9 is pretty big for storage and getting into tighter areas.

Rotary rake for merging and raking?

Hesston 8500 windrower

I have a Hesston 8500 SP 15' windrower that needs a new header.  I am looking at updating to a 15' Hesston 9075 flail conditioner header, but unsure if I have enough hydraulic power to run it.  It has a 5.9L Cummins with 165hp from what I can look up.  These machines aren't sold in my area so I don't have a dealer for support.  Anyone have any experience with header swaps on Hesstons?

Hesston 8500 windrower

MF 1250 Engine oil pan leak

My grandpa just bought a '94 MF 1250, it has a leak that looks to be coming from the engine oil pan. It has dripped down onto the drive shaft. Will i have to seperate the tractor to replace the oil pan gasket? Thanks for any help.

MF 1250 Engine oil pan leak

New Holland 5070 BC

I hope I can get the help i need here....


I bought a New Holland 5070 BC in December 2017. I have baled +- 1000 bales without any problems. I started baling Teff today and the problems is never ending!


The baler keeps breaking the twine on the right side at the knot. Each and every bale breaks!!! The bales weigh +- 35kg (77lbs). 

I have tried to adjust the tension but nothing seems to work. The bales are either to heavy or way to light and the twine keeps breaking!

I cannot get the baler's settings/adjustment to bale 22kg (48lbs) bales. 


Any help and advice will be apreciated!!

New Holland 5070 BC

Looking for fancy Alfalfa or alfalfa mix

I have a new customer looking for some fancy 3rd or later cut alfalfa or alfalfa/grass mix. Does anyone have any extra to sell , We are located in North East Md about a mile from the Pa line and 10 miles from the Delaware line. We are running low on alfalfa and looking for another source locally. Thanks Bob

Looking for fancy Alfalfa or alfalfa mix

gathering wheels

bought a 560 Hesston.  doesn't have gathering wheels.  would like to buy some for it.  where can a person get the complete setup for this?


gathering wheels

12 volt hydraulic diverter valve for dump bed and 3 point hitch?

mercredi 10 janvier 2018

Anyone have any advice on locating a 12 volt hydraulic diverter valve so I can switch from dump bed operation to 3 point hitch? Will mount the switch on the dash.

12 volt hydraulic diverter valve for dump bed and 3 point hitch?

How to wire new light bar?

mardi 9 janvier 2018

Installing light bar on my new toy RTVX1100C and wondering how to use the existing factory wiring. Has 2 wires coming up out of roof and two inside at switch panel. I am confused. I should have purchased the complete wiring harness from SupreBrightLights

How to wire new light bar?

Disc mower cover repairs

Whats the best way to patch/repair rips and holes in a mower cover? Just use one of the vinyl tarp repair kits or is there a better way? My cover's starting to look a bit worse for wear and would like to extend its life a little if possible.

Disc mower cover repairs

Vermeer 5410 Rebel

  Ive narrowed my search and found a used Vermeer 5410 Rebel for $12,900.  I havent seen it yet in person but on line pictures looks like it's in exceptionally good condition.  It has twine and mesh, gathering wheels and bale ramps as well as the bale export monitor.  Dealer says it's a 2008 or 2009 model thats baled 2800 bales.  Im hoping early next week to go look at it in person as it's 5-6 hours away. 

  Any thoughts and/or suggestions for me guys?  Good buy or avoid it like the plague???

Vermeer 5410 Rebel

Alfalfa market in southern half of IL?

lundi 8 janvier 2018

Just received a call from a fellow in southern IL looking for hay for that area.  He was giving me some outrageous figures on what hay brought at a hay auction last week.  Can anyone give me some REAL prices to figure from?

Alfalfa market in southern half of IL?

How much more efficient is an older self propelled bale wagon?

Wondering if anyone has used both NH 1044 and NH 1049 bale wagons?  I know the differences - primarily 120 bale pull type vs 160 bale self propelled and automatic tie.  Road time is not a factor, simply from field to nearby barn.  Simple math says 40 more bales per trip but realistically, how many more bales can be in the barn at the end of the day due to the different ways they operate?




How much more efficient is an older self propelled bale wagon?

Newbie hay conditioner question for horse hay

dimanche 7 janvier 2018

Hi, I am about to purchase a small farm (43acres) for my wife and daughters horses.
Last year I did hay with some friends on another piece of land and my wife raised a concern about bushes with thorns.
The hay we did was cut with a mower, not conditioner so the thorny stuff stayed intact, and the horses are bright enough to avoid it.
What happens when something like this goes through a conditioner, are the thorns broken into small pieces that the horses can't about and possibly cause distress/colic?
My apologies if this was asked elsewhere.

Newbie hay conditioner question for horse hay

compact tractor

will not move. was fine when parked several warm months ago, it has been freezing for weeks, I added fluid still no transmission or hydro related movement,warmed engine states fine

compact tractor

Blocking rad

Has anyone blocked their rad for more heat in the winter.I just blocked mine off cant get above 135 degrees will plowing snow.Added heater so basicly added another rad will keep eye temp would like to see three bars X900.Joe

Blocking rad

NH 320 Finger bar

So the drive chain broke while the finger bar was in the chamber at the end of last season.  What surprised me was that the plunger hit twice before the shear bolt broke.


Anyway, I got it all apart and need a new bar.  But, $350 from NH for an aluminum bar with a few holes drilled in?  Has anyone ever made one out of some stock material?  Is it a custom size?


Also,  I have to replace a couple of the roller wheels that attach to the bar.  $115 a pop for those.   They're all kinda tight, has anyone ever had them apart?  There's 6 of them.   If I was to replace all these parts, it rapidly gets to the tipping point of the baler value with NH prices.





NH 320 Finger bar

NH 326 Square Baler

samedi 6 janvier 2018

I see alot of threads on different NH square baler models but none on the 326 model. Is this because their that good or their that bad? Kinda worried because I just bought a 326 that the previous owner just put $1500 in parts into it and I bought it for $2000.
Seen the bales he made last summer and they all look and weigh the same.
Any help would be great. Thanks

NH 326 Square Baler

Hello from Virginia

Owner of Farmall Super M, Kubota BX 2370, and a Kubota X900. Look forward to this new forum and many discussions .

Hello from Virginia

I did it Pioneer 1000-5 in my driveway

vendredi 5 janvier 2018

I bit the bullet and bought a 2018 Honda Pioneer 1000-5 Deluxe.
I could have bought a new 2017 for a few hundred less but those had a recall for a heat issue with the seats (to hot while driving on summer days) and for the clutch (it had slippage and heat issues. Both were upgraded with the same fix on the 2018, but I prefered the one fixed from the factory.
So I've already tried it on the hill my Kubota RTV would not climb and it climbed right up, no problem. I do believe this will be a nice addition to our UTV family.

This is the cleanest it will EVER be. :D

Attached Images
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File Type: jpg P1k5inMyDriveway2.jpg (20.2 KB)

I did it Pioneer 1000-5 in my driveway

JD Moisture Tester.

I was perusing the John Deere website this morning and came across this new to me hay, straw, and silage moisture tester. Not cheap, but the unique thing about this one is that it measures density force that is required to probe the bale and then adjusts the moisture reading for the density factor. Pretty cool. Evidently it has been available for awhile but I just now discovered it. Click the pic for expansion.


Regards, Mike



JD Moisture Tester.

2018 Hay Price Outlook.

Hay and Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike



2018 Hay Price Outlook.

Ford 1715 hydraulic pump

jeudi 4 janvier 2018

Anybody know what the gpm is on these units? I'm finding conflicting numbers. Book say 6.16 tractor data says 9 something so I'm not sure which is correct.

Ford 1715 hydraulic pump

The Best Small(er) Tractor Round Baler? What Would You Buy?

Hello there everyone! I have a 63 and 65 PTO Horsepower set of tractors, and I want to do some round baling. I hope to start off slow, but ultimately put up 200-300 acres of rounds per year.


The problem is, that I do not know much about round balers, I have virtually no experience with them. I want to buy new, I'm a tradesman running a non-farm business so I simply cannot afford downtime, period. I know some is inevitable, but I'm trying to minimize things as much as possible. I will consider almost any brand. My priorities are:


1) Maximum operational uptime percentage possible

2) Longest life possible of the machine itself

3) Must be "small" tractor friendly (Like I said, 63 and 65 PTO hp)

4) Net wrap perferred

5) One-remote preferred (I can add 2, for 3 total to my newer tractor, if this would be a problem).


What would you buy, any why? We have dealers for almost all the major brands within comfortable driving distance to me. Any thoughts on this are greatly appreciated, thank you so much, in advance. 

The Best Small(er) Tractor Round Baler? What Would You Buy?

Round baler; Massy or Vermeer, cant make up my mind.........

  Im still torn when it comes to which mid sized round baler to buy; Massey Ferg. 1745 or Vermeer 5410 Rebel?  Did some deeper researching and I have a dealer for each brand within 30 minutes of my home.  Id like to go new but if I could find a used, like new unit with under a 1000 bales I'd pull the trigger.  Only problem is the used ones I find on line that fit that criteria are 5-6 hours away!

  Any suggestions guys?

Round baler; Massy or Vermeer, cant make up my mind.........

Bad udders

I have a cow with an irregular bag. And huge teats when she freshens. Last year I think it took calf at least a few weeks to be able to suckle her rear teats. Just too big.

She calved 2 days ago. Healthy 70-75# calf scottish highlander calf which was big to me. Most of my Highlanders have been born smaller. I know the weight on this one only because I weighed it and me on the bathroom scale prior to its final resting place.

It has been cold. But all seemed ok day 1 and 2. I could tell calf got a front teat yesterday. I came Home today, calf was still warm, but gone. Brought it inside to make sure. Yup. Gone. All of mamas teats huge. Calf didnt eat today.

I pasture breed and dont have as much control of calving times as I should. That said, I know I have had a handful of calves who thrived born in similar conditions (COLD). Calf was still warm when I found it today. Seemed fine day 1 and day 2.

My thoughts are calf couldn't suckle big teats. And mamas new name is Hamburger Steak.

Am I on the right track? I know I am on mamas future. How about calf's demise?

TIA. Second pic somewhat shows her bag. Definitely not ideal.

20180102_131310.jpg 20180102_131245.jpg

Bad udders

California Glyphosate Labels Challenged.

This is a good read for chronological order of legal events involving glyphosate in the past few years. From DTN.


Regards, Mike



California Glyphosate Labels Challenged.

Barn Loft Re-model

Regards, Mike



Barn Loft Re-model

tank mounted Propane heaters no electric

Anyone have a tank mounted propane heater they really like?
About a year ago I was at a sporting event, and a guy had a tank mounted heater with dolly wheels for the tank. Really sweet set-up.
I swear it seemed to blow heat like a torch! But there was no fan or electric. You could wheel it around on the sidelines with little effort.

BTW: Are all these heater radiant?

I have a little radiant 10K BTU version, but its a toy compared to that one I saw last year.

Anyone have one they really like that cranks heat, but works off a 20-30lb tank?

tank mounted Propane heaters no electric

Starting issues got me stumped!

mercredi 3 janvier 2018

First off The problem rtv is a 2014 x1100c,and has not given one hint of any trouble

until this cold snap we are presently in. Around Christmas day the rtv was tried to be

started, it was given the glow cycle and then turned to start no click or anything

happened. I thought the battery first and checked the voltage and it was 12.6 so the

next day same thing happened again when the rtv was tried to start. next the battery

was removed and load tested and checked good. Re-tried again and the same thing only

this time I cycled the the key on/off a couple of times and it fired right off. It was

started and stopped several times through the day and worked great. The next day it did

the same thing again and cycling the key worked again. So my first thought is bad key

switch. Fast forward several days of this and now the switch needs a lot of cycles to

get it to start. Now I'm puzzled because when it does start it will restart the way it

is supposed to for around 6-8 hrs after first start, only the next day to repeat itself all over

again. I have researched and tried the neutral wiggling of the shifter while trying to

start, could this be the neutral switch, starter, key switch. I'm prone to think

starter but if anyone has an opinion on how to better zero in on the problem I sure

would like your advice. I am not blessed with a nice heated workshop so working on this

will be kinda on the cold side. Just a note during when this happens it takes a few key

cycles to even get the starter sol.click to be heard and a few more to get the starter

to crank. Thanks in advance.

Starting issues got me stumped!

Sodium Nitrite And Feral Pigs.



Regards, Mike



Sodium Nitrite And Feral Pigs.

Grophers in alfalfa

Hey guys,

I was wondering what methods you guys use to fight that little devil creature. Granted I have use everything poison, blowing them up, and trapping. I have found trapping them to be the best method and using bacon grease has a great bait. I am a professional trapper (not really but I fell like I am). I saw a article in farm show for a gassing unit called the Cheetah looks pretty cool. I like the idea of how fast I can move through my fields instead of setting 10-50 traps a day.


Grophers in alfalfa

Ag Enters Age Of Civil Suits.

Are you covered?......probably not. AgWeb.


Regards, Mike





Ag Enters Age Of Civil Suits.

Successful Farming; Top Shops.

Pine Bluffs, WY.....R&K Farms. Takes a few seconds to load.


Regards, Mike



Successful Farming; Top Shops.

Any hay dealers on here?

Hey I'm hoping to talk to some hay dealers and ask some questions. Thinking about starting to export to fl and other places and I have never done it before. Don't really know where to start

Any hay dealers on here?

Best kind of telehandler

mardi 2 janvier 2018

Whats the best kind of telehandler to buy? I currently have been using a Gradall 324. Its been a great machine, but would like something with AC, and heat for those cold days. The electronics on the new ones scare me!! Im using this telehandler with a 18 bale grab on it.. It unloads all of the hay and loads all transports , and loads & unloads dryer also. 

Best kind of telehandler

$1.50 per Roll

A good friend of mine traded his one year old 469 Deere baler in for a new 469.

The dealer charged him $1.50 per roll on trade. He had nearly 5K rolls on the baler. So for @ $7,500 he got a new baler with a new warranty.

He plans to trade every year and do most of his baling with the new baler. He has a 458 also that is used when two are needed.



$1.50 per Roll