So, what are you seeing as hay season begins?

samedi 5 mai 2018

Just curious what the rest of you are seeing as you scout fields to prepare for hay season.  We have been behind the moisture curve since at least October and were behind then.  Got within about an inch of normal for April but were way short for Jan and Feb and had the worst wind this year that I can remember.  Had March winds in November, then December, Jan, Feb and of course March and they continued into April.  Dry as a bone right now in the top inch or two so newly planted OG is suffering.  Supposed to land about 1/2" tonight but we will see, then wind on Monday again.


The real deal is that established hay fields are thin and short due to lack of water and the cold spring.  Many are still feeding hay and I am still getting horse hay calls but sold out long ago.  This does not bode well for hay volume this season at least here.  The one anomaly is the field I planted in september-it is thick which I suspect is due to the fertilizer I put on 60-60-60 on the first of September.  Making me rethink the fall fertilizer thing again.  What do things look like in  NY, PA, NC and VA?

So, what are you seeing as hay season begins?

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