Dies at Full Speed

vendredi 30 août 2019

So last night had a strange thing happen with the 1100c, it just died while driving down a paved road at wide open throttle ... twice. The RTV had been running for about 10 minutes. Water temp was normal. Ambient temp was in low 90's and had the A/C on. So I drive down the road to go check on something. On the way down there I am only going between 10~12mph and everything is fine. I get to my turn around point to start heading back towards the shop and floor it. I accelerate right up to 22mph then 23mph and then I suddenly start loosing power. I release the throttle and quickly decelerate to a stop and die. This is only about 150 yards from the point I applied full throttle. I restart the motor. It takes a little bit of cranking, about 6~8 seconds, nothing excessive. Typically I just have to bump the starter to get it to fire. Started this morning as if nothing had happened.

So I continue to head back towards the shop. Starting off slow and listening for anything different but all seems normal. I continue to apply more throttle as I listen and look for anything out of the normal. All is normal. So I am not quite at full throttle as I approach the driveway so I decide to turn around and try a full throttle run again. Again I quickly accelerate up to 22mph then 23mph and holding. Then it happens again. This time about 200 yards from when I first applied full throttle. Same thing, I can get it restarted but takes a little bit of cranking and working the throttle to get it to fire. It runs rough at first but settles out after about 8~10 seconds. I run back to the shop at about 3/4 throttle with no problems or anything odd.

Of course when I get back into the shop I don't have time to tear in to it. The wife is waiting on me for dinner and it will take another 10 minutes to put all the tools and other stuff still in the bed of the RTV away. (option just dump on to shop floor but that would be even a bigger mess then the mess in the bed)

So my first thought was fuel. I had a similar thing happen last December but I had ran the tank almost dry then. So I was figuring as I accelerated what little fuel was in the tank was sloshing to the other side and the pick-up was sucking air. This time I have 3/4 tank of fuel.

Possibly dirty fuel filter. Not even sure where the filter is. The RTV operators manual only says to service it every 500/hrs and to contact Kubota service for the task. The more I think about it the less I think it is fuel/filter. Symptoms just don't match past fuel/filter experiences and I am have burned 3x as much of the is batch of fuel in the tractor with out any issues. The tractor fuel filter & bowl look like they have just been serviced with just over 30hrs since being serviced/replaced.

Other thought that crossed my mind was a dirty hydraulic suction filter. Currently unable to get a visual on it but did run my hand around it and it does not appear to have caved in or anything. Just dirty, no moisture or grease/oil. It has Kubota filters for the hydraulic system and K2 synthetic oil.

Any thoughts on what could be causing this? Currently the RTV has 310 total hrs and 1304 miles. 5% of that time is hard working (moving dirt or similar) with the remaining 95% of time of just lightly used for fun running thru the woods and such.


Dies at Full Speed

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