Organic alfalfa/orchard grass questions

mercredi 28 août 2019

I have an opportunity to farm 50 acres of organic ground. He wants alfalfa orchard grass planted on it. There is no crop in it right now. Foxtail and cheatgrass is really thick. He has brush hogged it twice this summer. No soil analysis. He applied chicken manure on it two years ago and then planted soybeans. He wasn’t able to plant anything on it this spring because of the weather. The years prior he had alfalfa on it and it did fine.
My questions are,
What are the going rates for organic alfalfa og small squares?
If we apply chicken manure how long until the yields suffer from the lack of fertilizer?
What to do about insect pressure?
Is it worth the extra management?
What are definite do’s and dont’s of organic farming?
There’s a great wealth of knowledge here and I appreciate any bits you would be willing to share. I’m still new to haying but I’m really enjoying it. Even with this horrible season so far!!

Organic alfalfa/orchard grass questions

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