rain on my alfalfa windrows.

jeudi 15 août 2019

It's been pretty dry here but cutting my hay always makes it rain. This is a straight alfalfa field, mowed it yesterday, raked this morning and started baling around 3pm. Got about 6 round bales done and .2 inches came down on it from 4-5pm. Trying to figure out a schedule to get it done because I might need to take time off of work to do it and am going out of town in three days. Right now I'm thinking do nothing tomorrow(day 1), flip the windrows with the bar rake on the 2nd day and bale that afternoon. As of right now my forecast is calling for a 1/10th of an inch late PM between day 1 and 2, although the rain does skip me a lot. All the grass around me is pretty much dead. If it doesn't rain tomorrow any chance it will be dry and I can flip and bale tomorrow? Essentially let the top dry, flip it, wait a few hours and the other side will dry. Or do you think it will take two days?  Neighbor suggested tedding first thing in the AM but I'm concerned about leaf loss at this point if I ted and then rerake at some point.



rain on my alfalfa windrows.

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