Cause of death?

vendredi 5 février 2016

I came home from work yesterday to a dead 5 month bred heifer.  She was on a small decline of a hay mound in the barn.  Feet were headed up the mound, but i feel as though it wasn't enough of one to cause her not to get up.


Go around back and there is half a leg sticking out of her like she was in labor...


So my question is, could she have been stuck and not able to get up and pushed hard enough to cause labor and push the calf up and out?  Or would the more likely situation be premature labor and she was sprawled out and couldn't get up and bloated?  Have any of you heard or experienced a cow laboring that premature?


I had 7 years good luck, just stinks my first loss was a nice registered heifer with calf




Cause of death?

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