Haybuster 107C no-till drill

mardi 26 avril 2016

I rented a Haybuster 107C no-till dril from my local USDA Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to over-seed a pasture lot with rye grass. The manual indicates that you can seed perennial rye grass from the legume box. However the rye grass "bridged" in about 65% of the seed tubes. I looked at using the grain box..which is used for "fluffy" grass seed, grain and believe it or not, millet... but decided not to.   I digress... anyone have any experience with the Haybuster 107C drill?  I called up the SWCD and told them to take it to the next farmer on the list after trying it for a few a few hours.. I just couldn't get the rye to flow through all the tubes.... it seemed like it was the same tubes that plugged up. I asked the SWCD folks that picked it up if anyone else had complained.. after some prodding they admitted that at least on two occasions a farmer had complained of the seed bridging in the clear supply tubes under the legume box.  I took one of the offending tubes off and checked it out. It seemed that some fine material.. yellow substance..  .perhaps from treated seed had adhered to the sides of the clear plastic tube..causing a drag?? As i don't use treated seed (I'm organic) I'm just guessing.


I have had seed bridging before on my grain drill's  legume feeder tubes... but a shot of compressed air at the beginning of the season clears that up quite fast... gets the cobwebs out. The 107c tubes appear clear of cobwebs and other foreign material except for the residue.



Haybuster 107C no-till drill

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