RTV Daily uses, What did you do today with your RTV?

dimanche 24 avril 2016

I finally got my RTV back from the dealer. While there fixing the linkage that slipped out of sync, I had a few other things done that by themselves were not worthy of a trip to the dealer. Left melted headlight fixed, fuel gauge replaced (it had been intermittent but turns out it was the gauge, no labor for replacing). I also had tubes put in the rear tires and I got the hand throttle yall had been talking about. Awesome.

So today I used the tractor FEL to load gravel in the RTV and ran the loads down to problem spots in my trails. Road maintenance I call it but actually is it trail maintenance. So much better to climb hills in M with the hand throttle than to chug along in L. Wish I had moved on this item a few years ago instead of procrastinating like I did.

Then I used it for it's weekly duty of hauling the trash up to the road for pick up tomorrow. Such a nice day, I'm wore out. Not ready for Monday workday tomorrow but somehow I'll survive.

RTV Daily uses, What did you do today with your RTV?

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