Hayfield succession on limestone valley soils

vendredi 29 avril 2016

For those of you in the middle eastern states, NC, Ky,Tn Va, Md and Pa on limestone valley soils-Just wondering if any of you have witnessed this hayfield plant succession-


You plant timothy or orchard grass from scratch no till on ground burned with roundup.


A little slow the first year getting started, then a good year or two of whatever was planted.  Then-


The fescue clumps appear, the annual bluegrass starts to fill in everywhere and the little barley appears.  




This occurs in fields that start with high plant populations, have good soil pH, and are well fertilized based on annual soil tests.  I am only in my second and third year of higher cutting heights and will start a new set of og fields with high stubble shoes on my discbine that were just installed.  Any thoughts?  I am about ready to stop overseeding fields in attempts to prolong stands and automatically re-establish every 4-5 years with a complete burndown after first cutting and seeding in late august in criscross at high seeding rates, followed by winter annual herbicide control that October.  rick



Hayfield succession on limestone valley soils

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