First hay baled.

jeudi 5 octobre 2017

Well this afternoon was great and uhh. First baling of land sprigged with coastal this spring was baled this afternoon. Rest to be baled next week. I want to thank each of your who have helped me get this far. Today was five acres in square bales for nephew's horses. It is a great feeling to see the crop harvested to see your efforts paying off.


I did buy a Maxilator and used it to load and it was my first experience with it and for all of us. Had a hose problem that shut it down for an hour and half. Not sure who here said they liked them better on a skid steer for visibility reasons and I will agree now having used it on tractor front end loader. But when I got it loaded liked the height of the tractor seat for loading on trailer as it never got above my eye sight on the trailer. 


Now I am going to encourage some one who uses an accumulator/grapple to make a video on the fine points of using one.  Such as how to line up the bales. I am no race care driver but seemed I was a nascar driving going into a curve when I tried to line up with a bale. Felt like the tractor was running highway speed. 

First hay baled.

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