Hesston Inline - Setting Ideal Stuffer Timing

dimanche 8 octobre 2017

The stuffer timing sequence and specs on a Hesston 4590 leave some room for interpretation.  I realize that chain wear will cause some variance in where things line up.  I'm using the process outlined on the machine and in the service manual.


Step 1: Rotate the flywheel to move the crank arm against the plunger stop.  Easy.

Step 2: The stuffer shaft grease fitting must visible in, or no more than 2 inches left of the lubrication hole.  Hmm.  Does visible mean centered or up to 2" left?

Step 3: Rotate the flywheel until the plunger knives are the closest to the stuffer fingers.  Measure distance.  Stuffer fingers must clear plunger knives with 1/4 inch minimum clearance.


On the particular unit I'm working on at the moment, if I center the stuffer shaft grease fitting in the lube hole, my knife/finger clearance is 7/8 inch.  If I jump a few links, I can easily set my knife/finger clearance to 1/4 inch, however when I do that, the grease fitting is now to the right of the lubrication hole.  Mind you I can still see it if I look in at a slight angle, but it is not visible if looking straight in the hole.


What provides the most ideal stuffer timing - having the grease fitting visible or left of the lube hole, or getting as close to 1/4" knife/finger as possible?

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_20171008_141552478.jpg

Hesston Inline - Setting Ideal Stuffer Timing

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