Rejuvenating Neglected Hay Field

lundi 5 août 2019

Greetings all,

A few months ago I had the good fortune to buy from a retiring gentleman a 70-acre timothy hay farm containing all the equipment, supplies and facilities needed to jump right into full production. Unfortunately (you knew there would be an "unfortunately"), the fields had been slowing deteriorating through neglect for several years and are sorely in need of rejuvenating to re-establish a thick stand of timothy. As I was haying the first cutting in June I noted numerous areas, some as large as several acres or more that were heavy to weeds, such as dandelions and horsetail, and sprouting brush, some areas almost 100%, and teeth-shattering ruts. I helped hay on my uncle's ranch in Minnesota when I was a teenager but I have no farm management experience so I am a bit lost as to where and how to start rejuvenating these areas. Any ideas and experiences with re-establishing the timothy and with smoothing the ruts? 

Attached Thumbnails

  • KIMG0117.jpg

Rejuvenating Neglected Hay Field

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