Deutz Fahr KH500 tedder
Deutz Fahr KH500 tedder
jeudi 30 avril 2020
Deutz Fahr KH500 tedder
Hydraulic Top Links
I'm looking for hydraulic top links for a Fendt/Pottinger cutter combo, front and rear. Our dealer said they couldn't get us any, but I don't think they tried very hard. I came across a thread on here from 2014 where the guy said he has them, but he hasn't been active since 2015. Wanted to see if someone on here could point me in the right direction. That's the main feature we miss between a self propelled and triple head. Thanks
Hydraulic Top Links
NH BR750 lower dimple roller wear
I am looking at a Hew Holland BR750 the lower dimple roller is worn out , but the rest of the baler shows very little wear, supposedly only has about 3-4 k bales on it , any info would be greatly appreciated
NH BR750 lower dimple roller wear
JF Stoll Parts Dealers North America
Could anyone please point me to a Kongskilde JF Stoll GCS disk mower parts dealer? I can find a number of Kongskilde dealers, but have had no luck finding one that has availability of parts for JF Stoll disk mowers. My local New Holland dealer got them for me in the past because CNH Machinery, the parent company of New Holland agricultural had purchased the line. They tried to get parts as they did before, but none of the contact information works any longer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
JF Stoll Parts Dealers North America
Prowell h20 24d will it mix?
Prowell h20 24d will it mix?
Paddock Control of Buttercups and Dock
In the for what it's worth category-
Sprayed two of my three horse paddocks with pastureguard early but it did not control the buttercups for beans. Also suffering from a reemergence of dock. tested grazon at 3/4 ou per gal, grazon 1/2 ou plus 1/2 tsp chapparal, Q4 and 1/2 ou grazon per gal and 2 ou of Weedmaster per Gal H2O. for spot spraying. So far-the Q-4 mix was too hot, and the grazon mixes were mixed. However, the 2 ou of weedmaster wilts buttercups in 2 days so you see what you missed. Horses hate those things, won't touch them and they are somewhat poisonous. So if you don't eliminate them they will eventually take over.
Paddock Control of Buttercups and Dock
Record warm Winter record Cold Spring
Record warm Winter record Cold Spring
Krone AM283 disc mower parts?
Does anyone know of a business that sells aftermarket parts that will fit a Krone Am283. My neighbor asked me because he needs a set of blade carriers(discs) & he thought Krone disc were too high $$$.
Krone AM283 disc mower parts?
5070 Plunger Bearings
mercredi 29 avril 2020
5070 Plunger Bearings
Those are managed/owned basically by 4 ultra large packing companies.
BTW the other 820 some smaller USA plants do not have corona.
Perhaps the big dogs of the industry just been 2 cheap for everyone's own good.
Questions about JD 335 Baler
Took the round baler plunge today.
How to decode serial#?
this has 4 hydraulic lines but 2 look like they were never used & pretty corroded. Why?
What does your hydraulic port look like?
Thanks for replies.
Questions about JD 335 Baler
Haybine Skid Shoe Adjustment, NH 472
mardi 28 avril 2020
I've been mowing for most of a decade with a rusty but functional NH 472 haybine. I've never touched the shoe adjustment. This year I want to raise the cutting level somewhat, if possible. I've read the manual on this and located the adjustment bolts. See the attached picture. The bolts are set all the way to one end of five positions, but I can't figure out from the manual if that is the high cutting position or low cutting position. The shoes are somewhat rusted in place so I'd like to be sure before really getting at the job.
Luray, VA
Haybine Skid Shoe Adjustment, NH 472
Hay buster drill seed setting for Sorghum/ Sudan
Hay buster drill seed setting for Sorghum/ Sudan
New Holland 460 silage special vs John Deere 460m
I am new to this site and to baling hay. I’ve recently purchased small farm that has some of the land in hay already and I’ve decided to try putting up hay myself for our livestock and hopefully some to sell. If all goes well... or even just OK I will look into seeding more acres. One of my many questions is which baler to purchase. I have spoken to both NH and JD dealers and I think I’ve narrowed it down to the NH 460 silage special or the JD 460m. Any thoughts or advise would be greatly appreciated
New Holland 460 silage special vs John Deere 460m
399 steering problems
399 steering problems
I think the forcing of packing without cleaning up corona in plants is a market bust for meats.
Poor folks risking their lives to process meat???
Jeez, what's everyone even thinking???
Vermeer baler magnetic reed switches
Has anyone out there has found a different source for the magentic reed switches on a Vermeer baler? They are insanely high at the dealer.
Vermeer baler magnetic reed switches
Deere Bale Trak Pro bale size
Deere Bale Trak Pro bale size
Over seeding in alfalfa
Over seeding in alfalfa
New Holland 570 Baler... Wits end
I will get all different size and shapes of bales. Some tied great some not so great. And every once in awhile like every 30 bales a great bale. Where do I start,
New Holland 570 Baler... Wits end
lundi 27 avril 2020
Is this true. Makes no sense to me.
Changing Bearing on Tension rolers on a Vemeer 605M
Does any have experience changing the tension roler bearings on a Vemeer 605M baler?
Changing Bearing on Tension rolers on a Vemeer 605M
JD 530 Belts
I bought this baler last winter and in the process of getting it ready to go. Also this is the first round baler I have ever owned. All of the belts on my baler were fairly new except one. I bought a new belt and put it on a couple days ago. It has about 2 inches more deflection than the rest of the belts. Must be a little longer. Will that be a problem or should I take it back off and shorten it ?
JD 530 Belts
Famotidine the active
The results look real promising so far.
The stuff is cheap and plentifull.
Famotidine the active
M18 Milwaukee Grease Gun
I bought the Milwaukee 2646-20 M18 2-Spd Grease Gun Bare Tool since I already had the M18 batteries. I used it for the 2nd time today, it sure is a time saver and makes the greasing task so much easier on my old hands. The excavator has more grease points than the tractor and ZTR put together and it needs greased every six hours of operation so this is the right tool for the job. Simply awesome.
M18 Milwaukee Grease Gun
Bermudagrass from Seed
Has anyone tried this yet? I have 25 acres I need to do something with.
Bermudagrass from Seed
Its finally happened!
Surfed the net one too many times :mrgreen:
As the song says, Ive Been Everywhere,
Its finally happened!
Spotted star thistle
Spotted star thistle
Playing Teff
dimanche 26 avril 2020
Playing Teff
Mounting/Holding Control Valve joysticks for bale wrapper
So I recently aquired a trailer type bale wrapper with control valves that are cable operated with 3 joysticks. I am thinking I am going to run the wrapper off my Case IH 685.
-This bank of 3 joysticks with cables looks kinda cumbersome to hold/mount/secure on the tractor. Anybody ever found a good trick to mount them? I'm thinking maybe some powerful magnets bolted to the fender side, then a steel plate on the joystick bank. Magnets hold it in place, but allow quick removal...maybe... I was thinking of putting magnets directly on the control valve but I'm afraid they will really scratch up the tractor paint.
-I need 12 volt power to the wrapper just to run a little micrologic bale counter. I am fussey about wiring/fusing and I don't like wires running all over the place. I also like a quick disconnect since this tractor is my general chore tractor. I was thinking of just getting a round trailer plug that fits in the rear taillight hookup on the tractor. Since I will only need a couple amps, just wire it into a taillight hookup. Turn on the lights and I will have voltage to run the counter.
Thoughts? Any place I am going wrong?
Mounting/Holding Control Valve joysticks for bale wrapper
Disc timing NH 1409
Disc timing NH 1409
Enough Rain
Enough Rain
Deere 457 E1 12 & E2 05
I just chased down an issue that I was having with my 457 and thought it would be good to record it in case somebody is having similar problems. I was seeing an E1/12 and was also seeing a E2/05 whenever I tried to lift the gate as I was getting it ready for this year. The E1/12 was a carryover from the last few bales from last year. I started chasing the harness and the problem was obvious pretty quickly. On that model the main harness comes up the right side of the baler and loops over the top of the right side of the tension mechanism. The harness had gotten crushed and torn between the mechanism and the front of the baler.
I was able to rework the wires and I made sure that the harness was held where it was inside of the tension pivot point.
Hopefully this helps somebody in the future.
Deere 457 E1 12 & E2 05
Newbie Spray Questions (Grazonnext HL & 2,4D+Banvel)
While I have the basics figured out, I've been waiting for the best weather conditions to spray pastures and hay fields. It has yet to happen. Have had more snow and freezing in last 2 weeks. Monday and Tuesday are my last 2 days to do it before 1. the animals go to pasture (I can spray later just a pain as all rotational fence will be up) 2. hay fields are to tall.
Monday - AM clouds and PM sun highs in upper 40's. Night lows in the 30's and rain showers. Unwinterize sprayer screw around in pastures and make sure everything is ready to go.
Tuesday - Mostly cloudy highs in the upper 50's. Night mid 40's and rain showers. Spray hay fields.
The rest of the week rain high temps in the 50's and lows in the 40's.
My question is should I spray or say the hell with it. I don't want to waste my time or money and have mediocre results. Looking for experience under these conditions. Thank you
Newbie Spray Questions (Grazonnext HL & 2,4D+Banvel)
samedi 25 avril 2020
18.4 / 30 rear tires with 3" lugs
I was looking at rear tires on the interweb and came across some Tyre Advance Advance R2 deep tread with a max load of 6400# @ 32 psi and 101/32nds of tread depth. I get 3.156" of tread depth. Has anyone heard of this company or a rear tire with over 3" of lug? Seems like you could rip the lugs off pretty easy being over 3" tall.
18.4 / 30 rear tires with 3" lugs
The truth about lawns
vendredi 24 avril 2020
Repeat of a classic
GOD: St. Francis, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there in the USA? What happened to the dandelions, violets, thistle and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect, no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honeybees and flocks of songbirds.
I expected to see a vast garden of colors by now. But all I see are these green rectangles.
ST. FRANCIS: It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. The Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers weeds and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass.
GOD: Grass? But it's so boring. It's not colorful. It doesn't attract butterflies, birds and bees, only grubs and sod worms. It's temperamental with temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there?
ST. FRANCIS: Apparently so, Lord. They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn.
GOD: The spring rains and warm weather probably make grass grow really fast. That must make the Suburbanites happy.
ST. FRANCIS: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it grows a little, they cut it, sometimes twice a week.
GOD: They cut it? Do they then bale it like hay?
ST. FRANCIS: Not exactly Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in bags.
GOD: They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?
ST. FRANCIS: No, sir -- just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.
GOD: Now, let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow. And when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?
ST. FRANCIS: Yes, sir.
GOD: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the growth and saves them a lot of work.
ST. FRANCIS: You aren't going to believe this, Lord. When the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.
GOD: What nonsense. At least they kept some of the trees. That was a sheer stoke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the autumn they fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees and bushes. Plus, as they rot, the leaves form compost to enhance the soil. It's a natural circle of life.
ST. FRANCIS: You'd better sit down, Lord. The Suburbanites have drawn a new circle. As soon as the leaves fall, they rake them into great piles and pay to have them hauled away.
GOD: No. What do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the winter and to keep the soil moist and loose?
ST. FRANCIS: After throwing away the leaves, they go out and buy something which they call mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves.
GOD: And where do they get this mulch?
ST. FRANCIS: They cut down trees and grind them up to make the mulch.
GOD: Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore. St. Catherine, you're in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us tonight?
ST. CATHERINE: Dumb and Dumber, Lord. It's a real stupid movie about ...
GOD: Never mind, I think I just heard the whole story from St. Francis
The truth about lawns
Since there
It seems the plant operations, capacities and inspection methods may get changed a bunch.
The govt will force changes since the big corps seem to have a hard time making things safer.
Since there
Vermeer 504SI Density Cylinders Stroke
I just rebuilt the density cylinders on my 504SI. When I went through the recharge process (disconnect & stroke the cylinders 12 times) the left cylinder (setting in the tractor seat) would return much slower than the right. I disconnected the right side cylinder and isolated the left cylinder and it still did the same thing. Thinking I had a rebuild issue I took the cylinder to a hydraulic shop and had it bench tested. It tested good at over 2,200psi and moved at the same speed in both directions. Thinking I may have had something plumbed wrong when I isolated the cylinders I went back and doublechecked the plumbing. I even removed and capped off the check valve & line but the cylinder moves the same, extending at normal speed but retracting about half as fast. I talked to my local Vermeer dealer and he said he has seen this before and never really figured it out either and suggested reconnecting everything back up, recharging and checking the pressure rise. I did this and I can adjust the pressure up to 2,000 psi (adjust valve pressure). I set it at about 800psi.
Since the cylinders don't really 'stroke' as a normal driver cylinders do but instead are pulled out by the bale being formed, do you see this as a problem?
Any ideas on what may be going on?
Vermeer 504SI Density Cylinders Stroke
Alfalfa 2020 price & cost
Hello everybody,
Alfalfa 2020 price & cost
50hr Service RTV X1100C PLEASED
jeudi 23 avril 2020
So after looking at work required and the stimulus check I decided to ask the dealer how much, as I had all the fluids and filters, negotiated service materials for 1000 hrs and service manual with purchase.
$150 pickup/return and $150 labor, told them they could pickup any day any time as long as it was back quick. They picked up one morning an returned next day noon. Washed
What difference in the trannny throttle response, seems quicker than when it was new. So I guess hydro throw a lot junk on break in.
Moral, don't put off 50 hr service
50hr Service RTV X1100C PLEASED
Key question
Key question
Firat day and already got help - thanks
mercredi 22 avril 2020
Firat day and already got help - thanks
MacDon 922 header bearing repair question
Upper conditioner roll bearing out on left side, what comes apart that will allow access to the bearings since the gearbox is attached to the rollers on the left side? Bearing on upper roll appear to be built into the pivot arm but the universal shaft from the gear box is blocking removal. There's got to be a way things come apart but nothing is apparent. Thx for any help.
MacDon 922 header bearing repair question
JD tractor has slight rattle ....
JD tractor has slight rattle ....
2 minutes of direct
Probably good to have some heat there too.
2 minutes of direct
530 or 535 Baler
Hello everyone I am looking to buy an older round baler to get started haying, I found a John Deere 530 and a 535 in similar condition and price. The main difference is that the 535 has the net wrap. If anyone has any experience with either of these please let me know if theres anything to look for and which one would be the better choice. Looking at bailing anywhere from 50 - 100 acres of dry alfalfa, clover, and bermuda grass per year. Thanks!
530 or 535 Baler
Paint Supply
Paints were a very precious quantity in the good old days, and British merchants could make a small fortune supplying paints to the colonies.
One company sent a clipper ship full of red paint across the ocean. It had the very bad luck to collide with another ship full of blue paint.
As a result of this disaster, both crews were ... marooned.
Paint Supply
Twine problem with Vermeer 5400 Rebel
I recently purchased a used Vermeer Rebel 5400 round baler and have a question regarding the twine arms. When I retract the twine arms and then run them back out, the twine in one or both twine arms retracts back inside the tubes. As I’ve been going through and servicing I’ve replaced the knives and the tube tensioners in an effort to fix the problem with no luck. What am I doing wrong? Is there an adjustment on the knife assembly or should I be adjusting one of the other tensioners?
Twine problem with Vermeer 5400 Rebel
Gear Oil
Gear Oil
Corona virus
Corona virus
Need Auto Steer for WR9770
Just purchased a WR9770 and looking to put a Guidance set up on it. I see alot of complaints on the TopCon used in them but not much used equipment for sale... Anyone have some old stuff they want to part with? I would prefer to just use the plug and play TopCon set up but not against Ag Leader for the right money. Thanks!!
Need Auto Steer for WR9770
Alfalfa Disease
mardi 21 avril 2020
I'm trying to identify a disease in my alfalfa. We've been having lots of rain and cool temperatures, and I'm on heavy black clay (not the ideal alfalfa soil). I think I've narrowed it down to Pyhtophthora root rot or brown root rot, but maybe something else. I first noticed yellowing of the leaves. When I walked out into the field, the crowns were crunching like it is August and I didn't irrigate it. The leaves are dying from the bottom up. I dug up a crown today and broke it open. Has some brown rot in the root, just below the crown. The stems broke off from the crown easily.
The WL rep said brown stem rot. Is there a difference from brown root rot or the same thing?
We have cotton root rot, but I know that's not it. Cotton root rot is more common for us, as well as constant insects pressure.
Thanks for any help.
Alfalfa Disease
High clearance skid shoes NH 499
lundi 20 avril 2020
My CRP contract expired last year. I would like to keep it in the NWSG mix that is there. Sprayed after cutting last year. Anyways, from everything that I have read on cutting it. There should be an 8 inch stuble left. I can get my NH 499 to cut at 6 inches. Any thoughts? Found one university site that said to use collars on lifting ram.
Thanks in advance!!!
High clearance skid shoes NH 499
Sickle Mower
Sickle Mower
Loading new Mesh Wrap in a MF 1745
Loading new Mesh Wrap in a MF 1745
Loading new Mesh Wrapnin a MF 1745
Loading new Mesh Wrapnin a MF 1745
M&W1500 round baler pickup rebuild- Krone KR 151 for anyone that has one of these old balers
For those of you running these types of old balers, I rebuilt the pickup this spring and posted a video to my youtube channel. I got my parts from Messicks, I sent them Krone part number and they had most of what I needed in stock. They are not local to me but had the parts at my door in less than 4 days. I will preface, the pickup was no where near coming apart, but had a lot of play in it. I found that its worth piece of mind and a couple hundred bucks to replace some bushing and bearings.
I wanted to throw this out there as some still run this old balers like I do. Its not a bad job, just takes time.
M&W1500 round baler pickup rebuild- Krone KR 151 for anyone that has one of these old balers
Deestone D405 6-ply 26x12-12 on a X1120D
dimanche 19 avril 2020
Thank you for the add Jim. Ive been reading NTTs RTV threads, which have been very helpful.
Im a new RTV owner. Im using a stock x1120D on a farm in W. Michigan. Weve got plenty of mud and the stock OTR Mag350 tires load up and just spin. The machine will be used in the field, in the woods and in the yard.
I need a tire that can handle muddy conditions, shoot down the road, not tear up turf, not carry lots of mud into the barn and garage, stand up to heavy loads and heavy use.
Im strongly leaning toward the Deestone DS5252 in 26x12-12. Its an AG Bar type tread. Its published specs are as follows:
Size- 26X12.00-12
Load/speed rating - 104A3
Plys - 6
Tread Depth - 22.7mm
OD - 25.5
Section Width - 12.1
Rim Width - 10.5
Load @ PSI - 1985@34
Ive read numerous reports the the published dimensions are exaggerated, particularly height.
I realize the stock rims are narrower than the 10.5 specified.

Am I out of my mind?
Deestone D405 6-ply 26x12-12 on a X1120D
Fertilizing New Grass Hay Field
Planted 2 fields last fall. One in Timothy and the other in Orchard Grass. Previously land was in alfalfa hay crop. Alfalfa had died down considerably in the last 2 years. Pretty much zero alfalfa when I burned the field off late last summer. I know I need to add nitrogen, MAP, and potash. Not sure of timing. When I had alfalfa, I just put on MAP and potash after the first cutting, no nitrogen. Have 3 questions:
1) My fertilizer dealer wants to know if I want dry nitrogen or liquid nitrogen (urea). Is one better than the other, and when should I apply and how much/acre?
2) How often and how much MAP and potash needs to be added to grass hay fields?
3) When should the MAP and potash be applied in grass hay?
I've always raised alfalfa hay in the past, so grass hay will be a new thing for me. Any help/guidance will be greatly appreciated.
Fertilizing New Grass Hay Field
Early JD Hydraulic Couplings
I have a 1957 JD 720. I hooked up my 10' bush hog to it with remote cylinder. I have tried both universal connections and a JD old style adapter. Can not get oil to flow to cylinder. It only has one hose with a relief valve in the other cylinder port. I am sure that I have seen plows and discs with that type hookup -one hose only- on old JDs. What am I missing? I was able to get both ends to seat but the female receiver looks like the old JD beveled end.
Early JD Hydraulic Couplings
international hay rake
i recently bought a old internationalral rake.on my way home the driveshaft came loose and busted the gear the chain runs on ,on the top .the man at the local dealer said i have a number 15 model .any help in finding a gear would be really appreciated,thanks
international hay rake it worth the hassle for some side cash?
samedi 18 avril 2020 it worth the hassle for some side cash?
Reusing New Torqued Head Gasket
was replacing the head gasket on a d1702 motor. Got it torqued down and realized I forgot the little oring around the oil port.
Can I reuse the headgasket since the motor was not started and it was only torqued down for 5 minutes (a new gasket is $260!)?
Reusing New Torqued Head Gasket
ISO 3x4 baler
ISO 3x4 baler
RTV 900 Fuel return spring
RTV 900 Fuel return spring
wheeling up poly wire
vendredi 17 avril 2020
wheeling up poly wire
Vermeer Rebel 5500 Bale Tensioning Cylinder
I have a Rebel 5500 that is not making tight bales after I replaced belts. I have adjusted the bale tensioning cylinder but it did not help the issue. I would like to open up the bale tensioning cylinder system to add a pressure gauge. Does anyone have the steps for recharging the cylinder?
Vermeer Rebel 5500 Bale Tensioning Cylinder
Hesston 1006 disc mower belts
Hesston 1006 disc mower belts
Found site with limited Kubota parts
Found site with limited Kubota parts
What would you do?
I had a calf that I had to bring in to get warmed up and dried off, once I took the little guy back to the mama, well she would not let him suck, so we ran her in the chute and gave her no choice. Got her milked out and kept her in for a day; let her out and she run off from her calf, and would not let him suck, so we pulled the calf off her hand to bottle feed. At this point I now had to two calves to bottle feed, and one crazy cow that just wanted to run someone in the ground.
I thought about taking her to the sale, but decided to keep her; mostly because of the uncertainty of the cow market. I am going to put her on pasture this summer, and sell her as a bred cow this coming fall.
What would you do, would you sell her now knowing that you are going to really take it in the shorts due to cow market now, or would keep, get her bred, and sell her in the fall?
What is better to do with bum calves, do you guys think it is better to sell them right away, or bottle feed them, and sell with your other calves? I chose to sell my bum calves this year.
What would you do?
Hesston 945
I have a Hesston 945 baler with bale kicker. My problem is the kicker returns to the home position to soon. When the door is up and the kicker is out, then when I start to shut the door the kicker comes back in before the door comes down allowing the bale to roll towards the baler so the door comes down on the bale, bending the door. With hilly ground this happens a lot. Manual says that kicker is supposed to stay out until door is two thirds of the way closed. The manual offers no advice on adjustment or location of these controls. MF 2745, AGCO 5545, Challenger RB 45 are the same baler.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hesston 945
Ford 14-294 twister small square baler started wrapping wire around right hand twister shaft.
jeudi 16 avril 2020
Baled about 50 good bales today and then she started wrapping the wire around the righthand shaft. It almost looks like it is not cutting the wire. Any ideas????
Ford 14-294 twister small square baler started wrapping wire around right hand twister shaft.
Massey Ferguson 1840 with Hoelscher accumulator.
Thinking of getting a MF1840 and was wondering if a Hoelscher accumulator slows it down?
Massey Ferguson 1840 with Hoelscher accumulator.
Little Barley.
I have a 12.5 acre field that has an outbreak of Little Barley in a Fall seeding of Orchard grass probably due to the abundance of rain this past winter and spring. Orchard Grass is doing well but I need to contain this LB before it finishes heading. Any suggestions that won't kill the Orchard grass?
Regards, Mike
Little Barley.
Does anyone know what the horsepower was for the engines on small square balers. around here they were mostly wisconsins but i cant remember if they were twins or V4s. want to hook a baler up to run hydraulic but don't know what i need for power. any help would be appreciated.
auction NH 499 mower
I currently mow with a 9' IH 1190'. I bought it at auction for $450, put a $1000 SCH cutter bar on it and I get a real nice product from it. I currently only mow around 30 acres split up into a few fields but I also have a day job and it would be nice to pick the mowing speed up. Also if I get my my mowing speed up I might have to time to pick up another field. So there's a NH 499 at auction pretty close to me, not sure of the year but the serial number starts with 575.
So for the right price think it could be a worthwhile upgrade? The swing-arm would be nice for mowing options too. The 1190 only moves to the left. Big risk I suppose with a hyrdraulic ran unit is no way to test it beforehand. Everything could be seized or leaking for all I know. Should I be able to turn it by hand at all?
Here's some pics, looks pretty decent.
auction NH 499 mower
i feel the need for speed
2014 Kubota X1100C bone stock except for tansmission adjustment to factory spec and ITP Baja Cross 26 x11 x12 tires. tires aired up to 20 psi rear and 12 psi front. payload aprox 600 lbs. weather was 28 mph wind temp 56 degrees F. road trip was 4 mile with three stops and turns some wind to my back and some direct in my face. some rolling hills about 3 percent grade for 1/2 mile roads were dirt and gravel,soft sand. average speed was 27.5 mph on the gps. the tires add almost 3mph over the speedometer. :harley:
i feel the need for speed
Wheat burn
Had my wheat sprayed last Saturday. 40 units of N, plus Quelex herbicide. The combination must have been a little hot. Not real impressed with how it looks at the moment... They say it will grow out of this quickly. Thoughts?
Wheat burn
How far are you willing to road or haul equipment for small tracts of hay?
The small tract post is also mine. I would like to know how far y'all are willing to road or haul equipment to do 5 to 10-acre fields and how do you recover your expense of moving your equipment? As I mentioned in the other question I had a woman ask me to come 55 miles to do a 10-acre field of what she called winter grazing mix whatever that may be. I already use google earth pro to get a very good idea of the acreage as a lot of people do not know how much land is really there or they try to save a few dollars saying it is less than what it is, it also makes their BPA look better. I am just trying to get a feel for what the SOP is for the small tracts. I try and have a layout of the folks I work for so I do not mind going a little out of the way to cover good paying people. The woman 55 miles away I do not know her and I have no one down that way I work for now. Just curious how far y'all are willing to go to help people get their hay up?
How far are you willing to road or haul equipment for small tracts of hay?
RTV 900 head question
mercredi 15 avril 2020
RTV 900 head question
Small tracts of really good wheat hay, how can you charge a p;rice that is profitable and not offend your neighbor?
mardi 14 avril 2020
I have a neighbor that has 3 small tracts one being 2 acres that he plants wheat and grazes it until Feb.1st tops it with 150 ppa. Nobody would cut, rake, and bale it for him so being the good neighbor I did which worked out timing-wise and did not put me behind 3 years ago. Last year it was a problem working him in and then he said he wanted all the hay. I put a pencil to it and the money just isn't right. So I catch him in the cafe to tell him I was done and he tells me he has rounded up about 60 acres for me. Some are 1-acre tracts. I do not want to be the ass but at standard rates, you can starve to death pretty dang quick. What is the most that you would charge them to cut, rake, and small square bale these small tracts profitably? The fields are spotless, level, and fertilized. I can not come up with a number that is profitable and does not make it look like I am breaking it off in their ass. HELP!
Small tracts of really good wheat hay, how can you charge a p;rice that is profitable and not offend your neighbor?
Planting oat hay for the first time
lundi 13 avril 2020
So I disced my fields and am planning to run a harrow cart. I’m planting oats and was wondering do I need to cultipack after the harrow or just pack after seeding?
Planting oat hay for the first time
290 pound hog taken in Leakey, Texas
290# hog taken in Leakey, TX
290 pound hog taken in Leakey, Texas
Self loading bale trailer.
Self loading bale trailer.
Cut/condition x2
I bought the accelerator last year and used it on 350 acres of first cut. I was cutting with a self propelled with b&d rolls and following immediately with the accelerator. Was pleased with the drying rate but unhappy with the extra seat time.
Cut/condition x2
kuhn GA 6002 rake problem
Anyone familiar with the lifting and lowering operation of the kuhn 6002 rotary rake ?
The front rake portion will not completely finish tilling all the way forwards when lowering
Raise operation appears to work normal.
kuhn GA 6002 rake problem
Need help with mf253 4wd
dimanche 12 avril 2020
Need help with mf253 4wd
Yep, New Guy w new to me Tractor
Yep, New Guy w new to me Tractor
Hesston 5510 or Case 8440 Baler Help Please
Hi All. Last year I bought a Hesston 5510. It looked to be in good shape, got it foe 1K. Tried to bale with it and all it did was plug up so I went back to squares.
Over the winter I did some research and determined it was missing the Whole Forming Grid assembly. So I found one from a place in alberta and got all the components for that assembly shipped out to me in BC.
Over the past couple days I got the baler dug out of snow and up to shop, Opened up and started looking at installing the forming grid parts.
The funny thing is, the baler has 7" wide belts, and the parts list for this baler calls for 4" wide belts.... So someone in the past went to a big expense to remove the forming grid and install wider belts...... As 7" wide belts are too wide to fit through the Grid. I am completely puzzled as why someone would do that?? Has anyone heard of this modification????
So today I removed all the 7" wide belts, all are in good shape and I should be able to cut them down to 4"......
The other thing that is missing are some guide fingers that would be just above the bottom drive roll. I should be able to make them as they are just 3/8" round bar welded on 1/4 x 1" flat bar..
If anyone on here would like to chat about this baler, I would really like to bounce a few things off them...
FYI the Hesston 5510 and the Case 8440 are Identical, so anyone who knows either baler would be great to talk to.
Thanks in advance and Happy Easter to All
Hesston 5510 or Case 8440 Baler Help Please
Twine size,strength
Twine size,strength
Baling Wheat Without Tedder - Virginia
I use an ancient JD 640 roller bar rake. Looking for some guidance on raking. I’m using a mower/conditioner. I’m assuming I’ll need to mow, dry for two days, rake, dry for a day or so then rake again?
Also what moisture content should I dry the what out you assuming I don’t get rained out? I’m using a Hesston 5510 and have been told this baler won’t handle anything but really dry hay. Previous to this year we have square bales so I’m new to round baling and baling wheat any guidance is welcomed!!!!
Baling Wheat Without Tedder - Virginia
small operation round baler, budget?
I bale around 30 acres, primarily for my own animals. I would like to try and pick up an extra field and have extra bales to sell. I currently bale with a JD 535 that has a lot of "nuances" that slow me down a lot while baling. I've also given up on the net wrap on it, it just jams everywhere in the machine. Thinking it would be nice to get a baler I just get in and go with, should speed up my baling time considerably.
So here's what I'd like. A 4' wide baler, 5' is fine for personal use but it's hard to get buyers to pay you for that extra 20%. Also 4' bales load better on a trailer. Netwrap would of course be nice, but not necessary. Then there's the matter of how much to spend. There doesn't seem to be much under $10k except for some well used stuff like I'm currently running. Although there is a NH 630(twine) near me for $6500 that looks decent. On the other hand the JD dealer near me has a 07' JD458, mega wide, netwrap, ramp, etc... but it's $15k. Not sure if I can justify that much for small acreage.
small operation round baler, budget?
Hesston 5510 Belts
Hesston 5510 Belts
Hesston 5510 Belts
Hesston 5510 Belts
Tractor lights
I have a john deere 4250 with a front end loader. The lights are not very good. I could put a led light bar on it, but i'm afraid I would break it off on tree limbs. They do make led lights that replace factory lights in front of tractor. These light are pricey, But I would buy them if the lights work will. Has any had any experience these lights or any other solutions.
Thanks David
Tractor lights
Robotics ,
samedi 11 avril 2020
Afore should have replaced 90% of the line and hand labor in usa meat processing decades ago.
Afore can measure, subprimal cut chilled beef or hog sides handily... Then measure and cut, slice and package the primals too.
Afore is kinda common in offshore plants, BTW.
Robotics ,
Have a Blessed Passover and Easter
I made the choice after a number of surreal experiences one of which when I was drowning as a child. I remember sitting on the bottom of the pool and everything getting bright ,very bright.. then I was taken from the water and revived through the hands of my cousin. Then later in age, there were wrecks, heavy machinery encounters and other things that almost ended my life. I also experienced some experiences after the death of a loved one. I will never doubt that He is real. Grab this deal.. it's free.
Have a Blessed Passover and Easter
The Value of People
vendredi 10 avril 2020
JBS beef plant in Greeley was just closed for a week for deep cleaning.
There's been 2 corona deaths at the plant and several positive corona cases there.
Everyone there now will be tested And must test clean to go to work.
The Union there is asking for an extra $3 per hour Hazard Pay.
It's expected several 100 workers there have Corona.
Well see.
The Value of People
Unknown plug on dk45
jeudi 9 avril 2020
Unknown plug on dk45
A Decade Of Bermuda Grass Stem Maggots.
Progressive Forage Grower.
Regards, Mike
A Decade Of Bermuda Grass Stem Maggots.
U.S. Producers Intend To Increase Hay Acreage.
Progressive Forage Grower.
Regards, Mike
U.S. Producers Intend To Increase Hay Acreage.
JD 450e Round baler
Wondering if anyone owns a JD 450e Round baler... I looking into buying one but i have not found any reviews on them. Please Help if you have info that will be useful to me.
JD 450e Round baler
Knee deep in ka ka
Knee deep in ka ka
John Deere small square bailer hydraulic tong cylinder size?
mercredi 8 avril 2020
John Deere small square bailer hydraulic tong cylinder size?
Long small square hay baler
Does anyone know anything about, or have any experience with, a Long 680 small square hay baler?
Long small square hay baler
HST Drain Oil Observation
mardi 7 avril 2020
The RTV HST oil was a clear amber color with just a few particles on the drain plug. I don't know the hours on the oil. During test runs I noticed the engine bog on hills is gone.
The oil from the tractor was dark and had a burnt odor. It was over the recommended 200 hr. limit by about 300hrs. (shame on me). Unlike the RTV this has one filter and a strainer screen on the suction side. The screen had just a few metal particles.
Not sure what the burnt smell was about. The HST fan had few blades missing but fixed that last year.
Any thoughts about possible harm done, seems to run as it should. Should the HST fluid be changed prior to next recommended 200 hr. change interval?
The tractor is mostly for mowing a 1 acre hilly lot and pulling a tree chipper through the woods.
HST Drain Oil Observation
Vermeer 505I general info
I have a couple questions and was hoping someone may be able to help.
Is the square starter roll as big of a problem as it’s made out to be ? I notice lost of people complain about them.
What can I expect a grass bale to weigh out of the 505i. I know the super I had a better tensioning system and made a tighter bale.
Vermeer 505I general info
Ethanol industry
Bout 40% of all co2 I believe
The meat processing is now on intermittent shutdowns due to lack of co2.
With the ethanol shutdown, just less co2 to be had.
Anyway, meat uses co2 for refrigerator and sterilization.
A lot of meat is gas flush vaccuwraped using co2.
DC of course for some reason does not follow the 10% E mandate law.. Follow the oil money perhaps.
Ethanol industry
New Holland 72 Bale Thrower oil
Anyone know the oil type and quantity for a NH 72 Bale thrower? I want to change it but having trouble finding my manual.Thanks
New Holland 72 Bale Thrower oil
Say a 25%
lundi 6 avril 2020
Quite a correction W recession.
Farm market's should go higher for most All agri products.
Agri tends to be inverse of the Dow economy.
Say a 25%
The markets
Corona is waning and the markets are showing that .
The tourist spots in china are now busy W tourists there.
The markets
PLan B/C/D?
dimanche 5 avril 2020
I' m looking for some thoughts/opinions here.
I have a field that I wanted to plant in a OG/timothy mix by frost seeding it in but the wash-out ditches were too big to work up and it rained most of the winter (Right now, I'm at 12" YTD where normal is 5+"). Just got back from looking around all my fields and even bare dirt is sopping wet at 1" deep.
It looks like there might be a chance to get it worked up a little this week,but I'm thinking it's a little late to be planting the OG/timothy.
I thought about planting some spring oats for hay, but it is a little late for that as well.
Any thoughts about a plan D?
PLan B/C/D?
Weedmaster vs Brash Vs Rangestar
The label ingredients for these three herbicides are identical - see pics.
The label for all three under "Pasture and Rangeland Restrictions: Do not cut forage for hay within 7 days of treatment."
Brash and Rangestar's label also reads, "Dry hay and silage - Treated grasses may be harvested for dry hay or silage but do not harvest within 37 days of treatment."
Weedmaster's label reads: "Dry hay and silage: Treated grasses may be harvested for dry hay or silage but do not harvest within 7 days of treatment."
What's the deal? Weedmaster is consistent - harvest for dry hay is allowed after 7 days. Brash and Rangestar state 7 or 37 days on the same label.
Anyone noticed this? I've got Brash, I'd like to take some hay in less than 37 days after application.
Pics of the labels below...
Weedmaster vs Brash Vs Rangestar
Pent up demands
samedi 4 avril 2020
Spring and warm temps kills off flu And it's now spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
The economy and look of things will be 1000% better by Mid May.
Expect a $30cwt up for fat cattle before June.
Say to the $145cwt level... End if May into June.
Don't forget to mark em out.
Pent up demands
New Holland 68 knotter clutch problem
Ok, this is driving me crazy. My New Holland 68 baler has been a good baler up until a couple years ago. It started breaking shear pins. The timing is good. I have had to play with the linkage on the latch to keep it from stopping the plunger and shearing pins. What I can't figure out is every rotation of the clutch housing that has the sprockets it hits the bearing inside the clutch. I can't find good information on how this assembly is supposed to work. It causes the knotters and the needles to jump or bump every cycle. I can't figure out what is causing this condition. I am pretty sure it is not supposed to hit the cam but the way the spring attaches to the cam it seems like it forces it to rest against the outer wall where it hits. See attached photo of knotter clutch. There is an assembly inside the the housing that looks like a bmx jump. I don't have a good picture of the housing but can get one if it would help. Any advise would be appreciated.
Attached Files
Knotter clutch.pdf 2.33MB 1 downloads
New Holland 68 knotter clutch problem
Challenger SP 165 Question
Challenger SP 165 Question
Poison Hemlock in fence rows and clusters
It is that time of year here when we get rapid growth of hemlock, in fence rows, places where the ground has been disturbed, even after general herbicide spraying in the fall. It is hard to eradicate. 2 questions. What herbicide do you use for spot spraying? and will mowing control and eventually eradicate it? There must be a lot of old seed in the ground, it keeps coming back.
Poison Hemlock in fence rows and clusters
Covid 19 and packing plant
vendredi 3 avril 2020
Covid 19 and packing plant
Inline Tedder/Fluffer
Just wanted to pick a few brains here...
I'm considering an inline tedder/fluffer for alfalfa windrows. I already have a small Kuhn rotary tedder which works great in grass hay but is murder on the alfalfa leaves (you only make that mistake once!) Some of the ones I'm looking at are an H&S 8-foot model and Bauman Mfg. has a couple as well. There are probably other brands out there as well, but don't see them in my part of the country.
So, does anyone have experience with any of these models? Is there one that is significantly better than others, or are there any that have problems? They all look like they are pretty simple machines.
Any input is appreciated!
Inline Tedder/Fluffer
Will a flail conditioner work on Wheat for hay?
I have some wheat/rye grass hay that will be ready to cut soon. I have a a JD MoCo flail machine. I just was wondering how much better a rubber roller type conditioner would work.
How much faster would dry down time be verses the flail?
Will a flail conditioner work on Wheat for hay?
Stackcruiser Front Tires
I recently purchased a BW38 with mismatched front tires - one is a 385/65R22.5 super single and the other is a 400/55R22.5 Alliance 328 flotation tire. The rears have been converted to Alliance tires too, which was a plus as my land tends to be on the wet side. The Alliance front tire is completely bald and needs to be replaced. I'm wondering if I should go back to a stock super single, or stay with the Alliance. I've seen other Stackcruisers with the Alliance tires on the front. Does the Alliance's tread help steer better in wet conditions? Cost is about the same for the Alliance and a cheaper super single. It will spend very little time on the road - mostly just fields.
Stackcruiser Front Tires
rtv900 no electric power
I hope someone can help me I turn the key and the lights in the dash light turn to glow plugs and they all out battery is good terminals are clean the 50 amp fuse is corroded under where the wires connect do they make a replacement socket for that?
rtv900 no electric power
Dm9 bush hog mower parts.
Dm9 bush hog mower parts.
Using Sharpen Herbicide On Young Grass
Thinking of using Sharpen on some fall planted grass stands to clean up broadleaves. Would like to overseed as soon after as weather allows in some areas that didn't take as well as they should have. Sharpen gives me that ability. Anyone have experience with this product?
Using Sharpen Herbicide On Young Grass
mercredi 1 avril 2020
Our 75 year old supposed leader W his pessimist death loss talks of 300k+ needs to get out in the Spring Air.
Mother Nature Rules and might even teach Truth.