A Non-Government survey on your row crop sprayer(s).

jeudi 30 juillet 2015


My name is Jacob James. I work for a sprayer company and in collaboration with the marketing company, “J. Fitzgerald group”. We are doing a research on the possible trends of the US row crop sprayer market, and are looking for reliable participants willing to fulfill an online survey. 

The survey is about the type of sprayers you have, what you would like to have, your practices and vision of the US market at the moment and its possible evolution on a long view. We also would like to know what you guys know about European equipment, and its environmentally friendly technology. 

Participation only involves completing an online survey. Questions with the asterisks are compulsory. Apart from those, feel free to answer the questions you want. The goal of the questionnaire is not to force you guys to give us information, we only - and really - want to understand the market and get to know your specific needs. 

The questions go in this order: your farm, your machinery, your vision of tomorrow, environmental implications, and finally your vision of EU equipment. I've tired it on a friend who took 15 minutes of his time to do it, but as I said you can take the time you want to answer to the questions you want to. 

This questionnaire is totally anonymous and no personal information is demanded. 
If you wish to take it, here is the link; http://goo.gl/forms/AbyPdkzaMa 

Thank you very much for your time and patience. 

Hope hearing from you all. 

Jacob J  :)


A Non-Government survey on your row crop sprayer(s).

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