Addicted to Propionic Acid

samedi 25 juillet 2015

I've run propionic acid now for a few years doing small squares, and well, I've gotten a bit used to always putting it on, even if the hay reads dry.


Yesterday I baled up hay that a few years ago I would have been pretty sure was ready to bale.  Tested 17% on the moisture tester, stems of the clover snapped nicely and didn't peel, twisted good in the hand, relative humidity was low, ground was dry.


Everything told me that it would bale nicely and keep - but I still put acid on anyways at the lowest rate I can go (4 lbs / ton).


Does anyone else do this?  I haven't made moldy / dusty hay since I bought a tedder and started using acid.

Addicted to Propionic Acid

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